Tag Archives: apartment
Explore A German Home Posted by Constanze on Feb 15, 2021

Guten Tag! Ich hoffe, es geht Dir gut. Today’s post is all about das Zuhause (the home). As we are spending a lot of time at home at the moment, I thought it would be nice to do a post on German homes, listing some of the things you might find if you were to…
3 German Things That Aren’t So Efficient Posted by Constanze on Sep 26, 2018

Guten Tag! We often talk about Germans being ultra-efficient. In fact, one of the first things that comes to people’s minds when asked to describe Germans is usually a comment about their effizient (efficient) nature. So is there anything about German life and culture that’s actually… not so efficient? Here are three things that may…
Renting an Apartment in Germany Part 2 Posted by Larissa on May 19, 2016
Hello! After having a great response from my last post (which you can find here), I’ve decided to write another one on this topic. In this post I’ll go more into detail what happens when you find a flat, and what you can expect in the contract. My own experience finding an apartment in Munich…
Things to know when renting an apartment in Germany Posted by Larissa on May 2, 2016
Hello, Here are a few tips and key words to know if you are looking for a flat in Germany! Some apartments do not come with kitchen appliances This is pretty normal in Germany. Your apartment will either not have kitchen appliances in it (stove, sink, fridge…), or if it does you have to buy…
My home is my castle: German apartments Posted by Sandra Rösner on Nov 25, 2010
One’s own home is a kind of retreat for many people. It is a place where you can relax and spend time with your family and friends. In 2009, I spent some time in London (UK) where I did an internship in a kind of real estate agency. The company rented separated rooms in house…