Tag Archives: bavarian
The Germans on the Germans: North & South Posted by Constanze on Nov 27, 2019

Hallo! Every country has names for people from different regions within that country. In this post we will look at what people from northern Germany call people from southern Germany, and vice-versa (for a post on east and west Germany, click here!). *Please note: The point of learning about these words is not to encourage anybody…
Breakfast The Bavarian Way Posted by Constanze on Nov 8, 2017

Guten Tag! The topic of today is Frühstück (breakfast), but with a twist. I’d like to share some information about the traditional Bavarian breakfast with you. A traditional Bavarian breakfast consists of the following: Die Weißwurst Literally ‘white sausage’, this is a sausage made from minced veal and pork bacon, seasoned with parsley, ginger, onions…
Endangered German Dialects Posted by Constanze on Feb 28, 2017

On 21st February the world celebrated International Mother Language Day – otherwise known as Tag der Muttersprache in German. On this day the hashtag #TagderMuttersprache was popular on Twitter, and when I clicked on it there were plenty of German articles about Bairisch – Bavarian! Bavarians are famously proud of their language and culture. Even…
Mushroom Picking In Germany Posted by Constanze on Oct 18, 2015
One of my fondest childhood memories involves going mushroom picking in the Bavarian Forest. My Oma (grandma) used to lead the way, teaching my brother, sister and I which mushrooms were safe to eat, and which ones to avoid like the plague. Once we’d collected as many mushrooms as we could, we would take them…
All About The Lederhosen and Dirndl Posted by Constanze on Sep 25, 2015
As Oktoberfest is in full swing in München, many of you will be seeing (or wearing!) the traditional garments known as Lederhosen or Dirndl. In this post, I’m going to tell you a little about where they originate, why they were worn (and how they are worn today), and give you a few other facts…
Catholicism In The Bavarian Language Posted by Constanze on Apr 20, 2015
Bavaria is a predominantly Catholic part of Germany. While this is evident in its culture, architecture and religious rituals, it is also evident in its language. To explain, I’m going to take some simple Bavarian phrases and expressions and show you the religious meanings behind them. For all examples I’ve included the Hochdeutsch (Standard…
Beer Garden Culture Posted by Larissa on Apr 12, 2015
Now that the weather is brightening up I went for lunch in a typical Bavarian beer garden, which gave me the idea to share with you some beer garden tips and why it’s so popular to go in Bavaria! One of the great things in der Biergarten (the beer garden) is that it is erlaubt…