Tag Archives: corona virus
Anglicism of the Year 2021: Germans Made This English Word! Posted by Sten on Feb 3, 2022
![Covid Anglizismus, Anglicism, Anglicism of the year, anglizismus des jahres 2021](https://blogs.transparent.com/german/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2022/02/lukas-qS7fr07bljM-unsplash-350x197.jpg)
We’ve already talked about the German Wort des Jahres (word of the year) of 2021 and the German Unwort des Jahres (“non”-word of the year) 2021, as well as the Jugendwort des Jahres (youth word of the year). But there’s one more that I would like to discuss – the Anglizismus des Jahres (Anglicism of the year)! Anglizismen are…
10 German Words That Describe Pandemic Life Posted by Constanze on Feb 2, 2022
Guten Tag! As we know, the German language is full of words that are unique, creative, intelligent and fun! Due to its ability to connect several nouns to create one, new compound noun, new words are always popping up in the German language. Today, we’re going to take a look at just some of the…
Die Impfpflicht comes to Germany – but how do you say that? Posted by Sten on Dec 10, 2021
![Corona Impfpflicht pronouncing how to say COVID German bundestag](https://blogs.transparent.com/german/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/12/daniel-schludi-mAGZNECMcUg-unsplash-280x350.jpg)
While we wrote about it almost a year ago, it seems like it is finally happening now: The German Bundestag voted for a specific Impfpflicht (f, vaccination mandate) today – the first law passed by the new Ampelkoalition (f, traffic light coalition)!. This affects first and foremost die Pflegekräfte (caregivers) in places like nursing homes and…
The Curiosity of the German Word “Mütend” Posted by Sten on Apr 22, 2021
Ah, the Pandemie (f, pandemic). We’re still in the middle of it, especially with the relatively slow vaccination rate in Europe. Between opening up the country and new Lockdowns (m, lockdown), continuing economic hardship and mentally trying times, there is a lingering frustration among Germans. And there’s a new word for that: Mütend. What’s mütend? Yes, Mütend! As…
How was a German lockdown announced AND revoked within one day? Posted by Sten on Mar 25, 2021
It was a tough week for Bundeskanzlerin (f, Federal Chancellor) Angela Merkel. Due to the announced lockdown for Ostern (Easter), everyone went hart ins Gericht (“hard into court”) with her. With rising coronavirus cases, the planned Lockerungen (f, relaxations) of the COVID rules fielen ins Wasser (“fell in the water”). But what actually happened? A “knallharter Lockdown“ On Monday…
How Germans Helped Destroy Emotet, A Massive Computervirus Posted by Sten on Jan 28, 2021
The virus is defeated! Well, not that one. I’m talking about a rampant Computervirus (computer virus) called “Emotet” that was responsible for 30% of Schadsoftware (malware) attacks worldwide. Here’s briefly what happened, and how Germans talk about computers and computer viruses in their language! Was ist Emotet? To be fair, Emotet was not really a Computervirus…
Does Germany Need an Impfpflicht? Posted by Sten on Jan 14, 2021
In the last few weeks, Impfstoffe (vaccines) against the Coronavirus have been rolled out around the world. However, the rate at which Impfungen (vaccinations) have been administered caused a lot of concern. Also in Germany. With 1207 deaths in one day, the country saw a new record; and yet, the amount of people that are open to an Impfung remains…