German Language Blog

Tag Archives: football

All German Football Vocabulary You Need Posted by on Jun 17, 2021

Fußball Football Vocabulary

Germany played the current Weltmeister (World Champion) France, and lost. With 1-0, an Eigentor (own goal) by Germany. Whoops. But let’s not give up, there are many more games to come! If you want to get some vocabulary down for the next game, look no further – here’s a list of some essential football vocabulary, so you can follow…

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How the Germans cope with their World Cup Elimination Posted by on Jun 29, 2018

On Wednesday, Germany lost the match against South Korea in the Football World Cup in Russia. The Weltmeister (world champion) had high hopes, everybody had faith that they would do a good job. But now, they ended last in their Gruppe (group), and are ausgeschieden (eliminated) already. But how do the Germans cope with this Blamage (humiliation)? Das Spiel The Spiel (game) itself was not…

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Top 10 German Words of 2014 Posted by on Mar 12, 2015

When you learn a language, you are not just learning the words and phrases that make up that language; you learn about the culture of the country it’s spoken in, too. In fact, you can learn a lot about a country’s culture and politics from its words alone. There’s no better example of this than…

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How to Watch Football Like a German Posted by on Jun 30, 2014

Tonight we’ll see the tense football match between Germany and Algeria. It’ll be the first time these teams have played one another since the controversy of the 1982 World Cup, which was claimed to have been “fixed” so that Germany and Austria would go through to the next round at Algeria’s expense (Click here to…

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Language Listening Lesson – Freude für den Fußball Posted by on Jun 19, 2014

I have already started this on the Dutch blog, where it was received quite well. I hope you will like the German version as well! A Language Listening Lesson (Triple L) consists of a German text, with translation and audio file to listen to it. That is the idea – you listen to it and…

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