Tag Archives: German news
New German Crime Series: Dark Woods Posted by Constanze on Feb 16, 2022

Guten Tag! A new German crime drama came to our televisions recently in the UK, which is always an exciting event! In today’s post I’d like to talk about the series and the true story it’s based on. The series is called Dark Woods (‘Das Geheimnis des Totenwaldes’ in the original German) and it’s just…
German Word Of The Year 2021 Posted by Constanze on Dec 30, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we will look at the Wort des Jahres in Germany. Each year, the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache (GfdS) – The German Language Association – picks a word as their Wort des Jahres – ‘Word of the Year’. This is often a word related to a prominent topic in the country during the year, and is usually interesting from…
CRAZY Snow Weather in Germany! Posted by Sten on Feb 8, 2021

It doesn’t happen often that the Wetter (weather) is the headlining topic in the evening news. And yet, it happened this weekend in Germany. Suddenly, Germany was hit with a big winter storm. It meant real Wintereinbruch (onset of winter) in Germany. Starting in my home state of Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony), the Schneesturm (snow storm) swept across the country. What happened? And what’s…
Find The Fehler! German Proofreading Posted by Constanze on Sep 2, 2020

Guten Tag! Today’s post is a little more interactive than recent ones. We are going to test your German proofreading skills. Are you ready? Let’s get started. In a recent post, I shared an article about illegal ‘Coronapartys’ in Germany. In this post, I will share sentences from that article, but deliberately include Fehler (mistakes)…
Black Lives Matter In Germany Posted by Constanze on Jun 10, 2020

Guten Tag! All around the world there have been Black Lives Matter protests in response to the murder of George Floyd by a US police officer on 25th May. Germany is no exception, having recently held protests in many of its major cities, including Berlin, München, Hamburg and Frankfurt. In this post, I will share…
The Corona Chronicles in Germany Part 3 Posted by Larissa on May 19, 2020

I hope all of you are staying safe and well. Here is my monthly update on how the situation is in Germany! Here in Germany the restrictions are continuing to lift and sometimes there is a sense of normality again. You can find part one and part two of my corona chronicles in Germany here…
The Corona Chronicles in Germany Part 2 Posted by Larissa on Apr 7, 2020

Here is an update to what is happening in Germany and what the new Maßnahmen (measures) are. You can find part 1 of this article here, to compare how things have changed in the space of just a few weeks. Seit 23. März gibt es eine Ausgangsbeschränkung in Deutschland From the 23rd of March there…