Tag Archives: grimm
The German Lebkuchenhaus (Gingerbread House) Posted by Constanze on Dec 22, 2021

Guten Tag und Frohe Weihnachten (Merry Christmas)! Over the years we’ve made several posts on German Christmas traditions, of which there are many. Today we’re adding one more into the mix and talking about the Lebkuchenhaus – gingerbread house! Made from gingerbread and lavishly decorated with coloured icing and a variety of other Süßigkeiten (sweets)…
A Unique German Way To Say It’s Snowing Posted by Constanze on Feb 7, 2018

Guten Tag! Is it snowing where you live? For me, there’s nothing better than that moment of seeing snow outside and exclaiming Es schneit! to whoever will listen. Today I’d like to give you a very different way of saying ‘It’s snowing’ in German. Frau Holle schüttelt ihre Betten aus A unique way of saying…
Truly Grimm: German Fairytales Posted by Constanze on Mar 11, 2016
Guten Tag! Most people will have heard of die Brüder Grimm (the Brothers Grimm) and their Märchen (fairy tales). Perhaps you’ll have read a few of them, or seen the Disney adaptations of these gruesome stories. But who exactly were these famous German brothers, and what is it like reading their fairy tales in German?…
Untranslatable German Words: mutterseelenallein Posted by Constanze on Nov 7, 2015
Hello and welcome to another post on untranslatable German words, where I bring you the quirkiest, funniest and most intelligent words that the German language has to offer – and ones that are difficult to find a translation for! Today’s word is mutterseelenallein. What does mutterseelenallein mean? To be mutterseelenallein describes an extreme kind…