Tag Archives: song
The Swiss Silvesterklaus Posted by Constanze on Jan 3, 2018

Guten Tag und Prosit Neujahr! Hope you’ve all had a good rest and had a fantastic start to 2018! In my last post I talked about the origins of the German word for New Year’s Eve: Silvester. I also mentioned the Swiss character known as Silvesterklaus. Today I’d like to tell you a little more…
6 German Language Christmas Songs Posted by Constanze on Dec 13, 2017

Guten Tag! It’s 13. Dezember and almost time to say Frohe Weihnachten. To get into the spirit, today I wanted to share some German Weihnachtslieder (Christmas songs) with you. Not only is it fun for language learners to learn songs in other languages, but songs are actually a brilliant way to improve language proficiency; because…
The German Boogieman Posted by Constanze on Dec 7, 2016
Guten Tag! Today, inspired by a kids’ song I was reminded of recently, the theme is German mythological monsters! The kids’ song is called Es Tanzt Ein Bi-Ba Butzemann. I know this song from my childhood, as many German children probably will. The song is about a Butzemann dancing around in somebody’s house. The first…
Germany wins Eurovision Song Contest 2010 Posted by jan on Jun 1, 2010
On May 29th, Germany has won the 55th Eurovision Song Contest.
Day at the sea – Tag am Meer Posted by jan on Apr 7, 2010
Today I want to share some German music with you. So I´ll introduce a song from the most famous hip hop band in Germany that is called “Die fantastischen Vier” (The fantastic four).