Tag Archives: Tourism
German Swimming Vocabulary Posted by Constanze on Jul 14, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to learn some vocabulary for a popular summer activity: das Schwimmen – Swimming! Swimming vocabulary Firstly, here is the verb schwimmen (to swim) in the present tense: Ich schwimme – I swim/am swimming Du schwimmst – You swim/are swimming (informal, singular) Er/sie/es schwimmt He/she/it swims/is swimming Wir schwimmen – We…
Germany’s Abandoned Amusement Park Posted by Constanze on Jun 30, 2021

Guten Tag! Today we’re going to look at Germany through the lens of urban exploration. When travelling, I am always fascinated by places that are abandoned (verlassen), eerie (unheimlich), or otherwise strange (seltsam), so I thought I’d write a series of posts on places in Germany that meet that criteria! If you are also a…
German History: The White Rose Movement Posted by Constanze on Oct 28, 2020

Guten Tag! It’s been a while since I’ve done a travel/history post, so that’s what today’s post will be about! Today we’re going to München, Germany to learn about Sophie Scholl and Weiße Rose (White Rose), a political movement from 1942. Weiße Rose was started by a group of students at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Ludwig Maximilian University…
The World’s Narrowest Street – In Germany! Posted by Constanze on Jun 17, 2020

Guten Tag! Have you ever wondered whether Germany holds any records for anything? Well, here’s one – Germany is home to the narrowest street in the world! According to Guinness World Records, the world’s narrowest street is located in Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. It is called Spreuerhofstraße, and here are its measurements: die Breite (width): at…
German(s) At The Beach Posted by Constanze on Jun 12, 2017

Guten Tag! Summer is coming, and so this is the time when a lot of people start to plan their holidays. What better way to get you in the mindset for a holiday than by learning some German vocabulary ideal for a trip to the beach? Here is a collection of words you’ll need. I’ve…
8 Places To Visit In Munich Posted by Constanze on May 31, 2017

Guten Tag! Recently, someone asked me for recommendations for things to do in München (Munich) as a first-time visitor, so I thought I’d write my own little guide and share it with you all. For each attraction, I have included the nearest U-Bahn (underground) or S-Bahn (overground or ‘suburban’ trains) stop to get off at…
German Nationalparks – Part 4: Eifel Posted by Sten on Feb 26, 2016
This is part 3 of the series here on the German Blog, the German Nationalparks, a series on the 16 National Parks of Germany. Last week, I discussed the Land der Tausend Seen, Park Müritz, and before that park Berchtesgaden, and the mysterious Schwarzwald. Today, we will travel to the westernmost Nationpark: in die Eifel! Der Nationalpark Eifel The National Park Eifel is the first one in Bundesland (federal…