Vocabulary For Food In German Part Two Posted by Larissa on Sep 17, 2015 in Grammar, Language
To carry on from my last post, which you can find here, I’ve made another list of translations of food along with their singular and plural forms. I’ve chosen words that are unusual that you might not know yet to widen your German vocabulary. Let’s get started:
Gemuse und Obst:
Vegetables and Fruit:
der (die) Granata(ä)pfel The pomegranate(s)
die Holunderblüte(n) The elderflower(s)
die Maracuja(s) The passion fruit(s)
der Grünkohl The kale
die Kirsche(n) The cherrie(s)
die Brombeere(n) The blackberry(ies)
die Heidelbeere(n) The blueberry(ies)
der Spargel The asparagus
der (die) Kürbis(se) The pumpkin(s)
die Pastinake(n) The parsnip(s)
der Ingwer The ginger
die Zitrone(n) The lemon(s)
das (die) Kra(ä)ut(er) The herb(s)
die Lauchzwiebel(n) The spring onion(s)
der (die) Lauch(e) The leek(s)
die Petersilie The parsley
die Möhre(n) Carrot(s) – another word for “die Karotte(n)”
der (die) Blumenkohl(e) The cauliflower(s)
die Linse(n) The lentils
der (die) Champignon(s) The mushroom(s) – also known as “der (die) Pilz(e)” or in Bavarian “die Schwammerl”.
die Erdnu(ü)ss(e) The peanut(s)
die Mandel(n) The almond(s)
die Paranu(ü)ss(e) The brazil nut(s)
die Pistazie(n) The pistachio nut(s)
Alles andere:
Everything else:
die Kirchererbse(n) The chickpea(s)
der (die) Knödel The dumpling(s) – these can be made out of bread (Semmelknödel), potato (Kartoffelknödel) or served sweet with plum jam in the middle (Germknödel).
der Hüttenkäse The cottage cheese
der Ahornsirup The maple syrup
die Hefe The yeast
Hopefully now you can successfully go food shopping in Germany. Some typical Supermarkets in Germany are: Lidl, Aldi, Tengelmann, Rewe and Edeka. Don’t forget that supermarkets (and all other shops) in Germany are closed on Sundays! The only places you would find them open on a Sunday would be at die Flughafen (airports), die Tankstellen (petrol stations) or in die Hauptbahnhöfe (central stations). Otherwise the usual opening times are 7am till 8pm Montag bis Samstag (Monday to Saturday). You will also find no medicine on sale in German supermarkets (for example paracetamol); you can only buy them in die Apotheke (the pharmacy).
Have you ever been in a German supermarket?
Thanks for reading 🙂
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About the Author: Larissa
Hello I'm Larissa. I live in Germany and I am half German and half English. I love sharing my passion for Germany with you through my posts! Apart from writing posts I teach fitness classes in Munich.