Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jan 24, 2022

Idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn. In this post, there is a list of phrases that a Greek native speaker uses in daily life. If you want to see more expressions, check this and this. #1. πιάνω την πάρλα: to chatter, to talk a lot Παράδειγμα: H Μαργαρίτα έπιασε την πάρλα με τη…
Common mistakes in Greek (part 2) Posted by Ourania on Jan 10, 2022

Γεια σας! Two years ago I wrote a post about the most common mistakes foreigners make in Greek. Today, the topic of the post is the incorrect use of Greek, so it is the “sequel” of the previous post. #1. Είμαι αργά or είμαι αργός. This phrase means “I am slow” and people…
New Year’s Eve Carols in Greek Posted by Ourania on Dec 29, 2021

Χρόνια πολλά! Today, I will ignore all the bad things, related to the pandemic, and I will write about κάλαντα (carols). Τα κάλαντα are traditional songs with roots to the Byzantine tradition and they announce a religious holiday which is about to come. They are sung by children or men on Christmas Eve, on New…
Greek vocabulary: Winter Solstice Posted by Ourania on Dec 21, 2021

Γεια σας! Happy winter solstice! This year I will deviate from the Christmas-vocabulary posts and I will give you a list of words related to earth as a planet. If you want prefer to learn about Christmas check here, here and here. #1. θερινό ηλιοστάσιο (το): summer solstice Παράδειγμα: Σε πολλές χώρες γιορτάζουν το…
Quiz: The story of yusurum Posted by Ourania on Dec 7, 2021

One of the most famous Athens landmarks is Μοναστηράκι (Monastiraki). This area is known for the flea market and for street fair which takes place every Sunday at πλατεία Αβησσυνίας. The street fair is also known as γιουσουρούμ (yusurum). Γιουσουρούμ was a Jewish merchant who lived in Athens in the 19th century. In this post…
Word family in Greek: present Posted by Ourania on Nov 30, 2021

Γεια σας. We are going through a period of gratitude, which is materially by offering presents. Therefore, it is a nice opportunity to meet word family in Greek, whose kernel is the word “present”. If you interested in words families, check the post Word families in Greek: Part One and Word families in Greek: Part…
Greek words of Turkish origin Posted by Ourania on Nov 18, 2021

What does a watermelon and a shoe have in common? Is there any difference between a “butcher” and a “meat seller”? You can use your imagination to find the answers or to carry on reading. In this post there is a list of common words used in standard Greek. All these words are of Turkish…