Tag Archives: common expressions
Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on Jan 24, 2022

Idiomatic expressions are difficult to learn. In this post, there is a list of phrases that a Greek native speaker uses in daily life. If you want to see more expressions, check this and this. #1. πιάνω την πάρλα: to chatter, to talk a lot Παράδειγμα: H Μαργαρίτα έπιασε την πάρλα με τη…
Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on May 28, 2021

Γεια σας! In a previous post we had seen some filler words in Greek. Today we will see common phrases we use in daily conversations which are not easily translated in English. #1. πάλι καλά: fortunately, it’s a good thing Examples: Πάλι καλά που πρόλαβα το τελευταίο λεωφορείο. Δεν είχα λεφτά για ταξί./ It’s a…
Common Greek expressions: “Slow” words Posted by Ourania on Dec 18, 2020

Γεια σας! Τον χειμώνα ο ρυθμός της ζωής γίνεται πιο αργός. In winter the rhythm of life is slower. Today, we will see some expressions which are used to mean slowly. #1. αργά αργά: slowly. One of the most common expressions that everybody knows. Ήπιε τον καφέ του αργά αργά. #2. σιγά σιγά: slowly Η…
Greek vocabulary: duration Posted by Ourania on Jul 23, 2020

Γεια σας! In this post we will look into some words and phrases we use when talking about duration. Διάρκεια (η): duration. Examples: Η διάρκεια της ταινίας είναι 90 λεπτά. / The duration of the movie is 90 minutes. Οι φίλοι της τής χάρισαν μια δωροεπιταγή για ένα μασάζ διάρκειας μιας ώρας. /…
Colloquial Greek: a list of common phrases Posted by Ourania on Aug 7, 2019

One of the biggest challenges we face when we communicate in a foreign language is to understand the colloquial language: we hear people speak and even though we know the meanings of the words they use, we cannot decode their phrases. In this post, there is a list of colloquial phrases which will help you…
Untranslated Greek colloquialisms Posted by Ourania on Feb 28, 2018

The most difficult phrases for foreigners to understand, are those who are not listed in dictionaries. They are commonly used when speaking but can be also found in texts. In this post, there is a list with some of the most common expressions with examples on their use. #1. Ε, να “Τι σου είπε ο…
Greek idioms using the verb “to eat” Posted by Ourania on Aug 9, 2017

Τρώω is one of the most common words and means “to eat”. In this post there are examples on the most common colloquial idioms and slang phrases for this verb. τρώω γκολ: literally, it means “to eat a goal”. This phrase is used in football. Example: if team X scores three goals against team Z…