Tag Archives: common words
Greek vocabulary: common adjectives Posted by Ourania on Jun 4, 2021

Γεια σας! Greek learners always notice that some Greek words are very long. This is because we use many compound words. This post is about common compound adjectives and you can find more here and here. #1. Adjectives with φρέσκος: fresh Φρεσκοψημένος-η-ο (φρέσκος + ψήνω: to bake): freshly baked. Σηκωθείτε, παιδιά! Έφερα φρεσκοψημένα κρουασάν…
Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on May 28, 2021

Γεια σας! In a previous post we had seen some filler words in Greek. Today we will see common phrases we use in daily conversations which are not easily translated in English. #1. πάλι καλά: fortunately, it’s a good thing Examples: Πάλι καλά που πρόλαβα το τελευταίο λεωφορείο. Δεν είχα λεφτά για ταξί./ It’s a…
Greek vocabulary: Basic group of words Posted by Ourania on Feb 26, 2021

Γεια σας! Some learners ignore basic group of words that are frequently used. Some of these are common and are used in daily conversations, while others can be heard on the news or read in a magazine or newspaper. Οι αισθήσεις- The senses όραση (η): vision Μετά το ατύχημα έχασε την όρασή του. /…
Greek vocabulary: uses of the verb to clean Posted by Ourania on Aug 20, 2020

Γεια σας. Today we will look at the meanings and the derivatives of the verb to clean. Καθαρίζω means to clean. Example: Πάντα να καθαρίζεις την καφετιέρα όταν τη χρησιμοποιείς. / Always clean the coffee maker after using it. It can be also used to mean: ξεφλουδίζω: to peel Καθάρισα τα αγγούρια για…
Word families in Greek: Part Two Posted by Ourania on Aug 12, 2020

Γεια σας! A few weeks ago we looked into words families and some of you requested a second part. In this post we will see some commonly used word families. κοινωνώ (= participate): κοινωνία (society), κοινωνικός (sociable), επικοινωνία (communication), επικοινωνώ (to communicate), ακοινώνητος (unsociable), συγκοινωνία (public transport), τηλεπικοινωνία (telecommunication) , κοινωνικοποίηση (socialization), κοινωνιολογία (sociology)…
Word families in Greek: Part One Posted by Ourania on Jul 7, 2020

Γειά σας! Today’s topic deals with word families in the Greek language. Word families are important and extremely useful because they provide us with an easy and fun way to expand our vocabulary and enhance our understanding of the structure of the Greek language. What is more, they can help us immensely in mastering and…
Greek compound adjectives Posted by Ourania on Mar 11, 2020

Γεια σας! Today we will see some compound adjectives formed by καλο- (good) or κακο- (bad) and an adjective. καλόβολος: easy-going Παράδειγμα: Αν πας διακοπές με την Έλενα, θα περάσεις πολύ ωραία. Είναι καλόβολη και δεν παραπονιέται. / If you go on vacation with Elena, you will have a great time. She is easy-going and…