Tag Archives: examples
Untranslated colloquialisms in Greek Posted by Ourania on Feb 16, 2021

Σήμερα χιονίζει στην Ελλάδα! Today it snows in Greece and this is big news, especially for us who live in Athens! The topic of this article is about snow. We will see the meaning of untranslated colloquialisms with examples related to snow. #1. Δηλαδή: we use it to mean such as or what do you…
Common Greek verbs used with appliances Posted by Ourania on Jan 18, 2021

Γεια σας! Today it is time to do some vocabulary. Most learners are familiar with the Greek vocabulary about appliances. This post has a list of verbs used with the appliances and examples about their use. το ψυγείο: refrigerator διατηρώ: to preserve Το ψυγείο διατηρεί τα τρόφιμα κρύα. The food preserves the food cold. κρυώνω…
Common Greek expressions: “Slow” words Posted by Ourania on Dec 18, 2020

Γεια σας! Τον χειμώνα ο ρυθμός της ζωής γίνεται πιο αργός. In winter the rhythm of life is slower. Today, we will see some expressions which are used to mean slowly. #1. αργά αργά: slowly. One of the most common expressions that everybody knows. Ήπιε τον καφέ του αργά αργά. #2. σιγά σιγά: slowly Η…
Uses of the Passive Voice in Modern Greek Posted by Ourania on Sep 10, 2020

Γεια σας! It is time to do some grammar, so today we will see the use of the Passive voice (Παθητική φωνή.) The Passive voice includes all the verbs ending in -μαι (έρχομαι, κοιμάμαι, γεννιέμαι) a. Some verbs are morphologically passive, i.e. they end in -μαι but their meaning is active. Examples: Ο Πέτρος…
Greek vocabulary: duration Posted by Ourania on Jul 23, 2020

Γεια σας! In this post we will look into some words and phrases we use when talking about duration. Διάρκεια (η): duration. Examples: Η διάρκεια της ταινίας είναι 90 λεπτά. / The duration of the movie is 90 minutes. Οι φίλοι της τής χάρισαν μια δωροεπιταγή για ένα μασάζ διάρκειας μιας ώρας. /…
Greek grammar: Personal Pronouns Posted by Ourania on Jun 17, 2020

Γεια σας! It’s time to review some grammar and syntax. Many students of the Greek language find it quite difficult to put the objects of a verb in the correct case. Why? Because there are a lot of different options. Today we are going to focus on what happens with the double object verbs. Most…
Greek expressions with colors Posted by Ourania on Apr 30, 2020

Γεια σας! Σήμερα θα ξεφύγουμε από το θέμα των ημερών και θα δούμε μερικές εκφράσεις με τα χρώματα. Today we will change topic and we will see some common expressions with the colors. κοκκινίζω= (from κόκκινος, κόκκινη, κόκκινο which means red): to blush, to turn red Noun: το κόκκίνισμα κιτρινίζω= (from κίτρινος, κίτρινη, κίτρινο…