Tag Archives: Greek verbs
Playing with Greek verbs Posted by Ourania on May 4, 2017

The Greek language is rich in compound words. In this post, there is a list of compound verbs formed by an adverb and a verb or by two verbs. They are used mostly in spoken language. They are very “colorful” and can be used in many contexts. Ξανά + verb Ξανά means again. It can…
Question vs request confusion Posted by Ourania on Feb 28, 2017

Greek learners often mix up the use of ρωτάω and ζητάω. Both verbs mean “to ask”. In the examples below, you can see the use of these verbs. Ρωτάω (question) Ο Νίκος ρώτησε τι ώρα είναι. Nikos asked the time (lit: Nikos asked what time it was). Η Σοφία ρώτησε πού είναι η Μαρία. Sophia…
Make a wish in Greek Posted by Ourania on Feb 15, 2017

We all make wishes in our everyday life. If you want to express a hope or wish in Greek, this post might be useful. Phrases Tenses Μακάρι Παρατατικός (Past Continuous) Τι καλά Αόριστος (Past Simple) Θα ήθελα να (μην) Συνεχής Υποτακτική (Subj. Continuous) Θα μου άρεσε Απλή Υποτακτική (Simple Subj.) Θα μου άρεσε Παρακείμενος…
Common Greek verbs: to fly Posted by Ourania on Jul 20, 2016
On of the most common Greek verbs is the verb πετάω (πέταξα in the Past Simple). It can take different meanings. In this post there are just a few examples of its use. Active voice to throw Πετάω τα σκουπίδια. To throw out the garbage. Πέτα μου τη μπάλα! Throw me the ball! to fly…
Greek expressions and idioms: to break Posted by Ourania on Mar 31, 2015
One of the most common verbs is the verb χαλάω (to break, to break down, to spoil, etc.). Below there are some examples of its use and meanings. 1. To break / to break down Μη χαλάσεις το τάμπλετ σου γιατί δεν έχουμε λεφτά να πάρουμε άλλο. Don’t break your tablet because we cannot afford another…