Tag Archives: Greek with examples
Greek vocabulary about money Posted by Ourania on Aug 31, 2021
In this post there is a group of words related to money. In Greek, we use different words to describe the money paid to an insurance company, to a freelancer or to buy a ticket for public transport. If you like slang and colloquialisms, check this post about Slang words for stingy or penniless in…
Greek verbs related to sound Posted by Ourania on Aug 18, 2021
Γεια σας. It’s time for a vocabulary extension post so this post is about Greek verbs related to sound. These verbs are not taught to beginners but native speakers use them in daily conversations. The translation of the examples is literal and in some cases the English phrases might seem strange. If you like sounds…
Basic Survival Greek phrases Posted by Ourania on Jun 28, 2021
Γεια σας! Ελπίζω να απολαμβάνετε το καλοκαίρι! Some of you have the chance to visit Greece this summer and it’s a great opportunity to practice your Greek. In this post there are some basic survival Greek phrases that you can use in order to communicate more effectively with the locals. Remember that you do not…
Survival Greek: bathroom vocabulary Posted by Ourania on Jun 15, 2021
Γεια σας! Το καλοκαίρι είναι εδώ! The summer is here and some of you have already planned a trip to Greece. This is a survival Greek post related to bathroom vocabulary. There is also a list of phrases that you can use if you visit a small place where people don’t speak English. If you…
Common phrases in Greek Posted by Ourania on May 28, 2021
Γεια σας! In a previous post we had seen some filler words in Greek. Today we will see common phrases we use in daily conversations which are not easily translated in English. #1. πάλι καλά: fortunately, it’s a good thing Examples: Πάλι καλά που πρόλαβα το τελευταίο λεωφορείο. Δεν είχα λεφτά για ταξί./ It’s a…
Express feelings in Greek (Part One) Posted by Ourania on Apr 7, 2021
Γεια σας! Sometimes, it’s difficult to use the right words to express how we feel, even on our native language. Today we will see some expressions about feelings in Greek. These expressions are about joy, sadness and indifference. There will be a new post, with more phrases, soon. Πώς εκφράζω χαρά (How to express…