Hindi Language Blog

Archive for 'History'

Embrace Diversity – Abide with Me and Ae Mere Vatan Ke Log Posted by on Jan 28, 2022

  Republic Day celebrates जश्न the day India adopted the constitution in 1950. But,  Republic Day ceremonies समारोह will be different this year. This is because the powers that be, changed the song normally played during the Beating of the Retreat. But, why would a change in song cause it to be different विभिन्न, you…

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Hindi and Urdu – Siblings in Crisis Posted by on Oct 21, 2021

This week Urdu caused an uproar कोलाहल on social media. She was in an ad that called for the celebration कोलाहल of Diwali using the phrase, Jashn-e-Riwaaz, which means ‘celebration of rituals and traditions’.  The ad written in English was for a clothing and housewares brand called Fabindia. The retailer खुदरा withdrew the advertisement in…

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Mandarin, French, Spanish or Sanskrit? Posted by on Oct 7, 2021

Ask any student छात्र in Delhi, what language they want to learn and they will answer, Chinese, French or Spanish. So, why don’t school kids choose चुनें the ‘mother‘ of all languages so to speak? From the gypsies of the Thar desert to the African immigrants आप्रवासी of the Deccan Plateau, many languages in India…

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Rajasthan’s Kalbeliya Gypsies Posted by on Sep 24, 2021

Rajasthan’s Thar desert is known for its scorching जलानेवाला sand and rugged बीहड़ terrain filled with snakes and other venomous creatures. This is where the Kalbeliya Gypsies कंजर जाति choose to live. Kalbeliya is from the word ‘kal’  meaning death मौत. The word Kalbeliya connotes victory विजय over poisonous snakes and death. Snake charmers, Shepherds…

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India’s Africans – Notable Indian Siddis Posted by on Sep 22, 2021

The Siddis are a small tribal जनजातीय community of approximately 50, 000 people residing in the states of Karnataka, Gujarat and surrounding आस – पास का areas. These tribes came to India in the 5th or 6th century as slaves. Portuguese and Arab traders व्यापारी picked them from the Bantu tribes of Ethiopia, Somalia, and…

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India’s Africans – Siddis of Karnataka Posted by on Sep 20, 2021

Yellapur is a district in Karnataka known for its forests जंगल, waterfalls झरने and beautiful lakes झीलें. The Siddi community, which are a group of people in India their home for many years, live deep in the forests of Yellapur. Descendents of the Ubuntu tribe from African countries such as Ethiopia and Kenya.  Portuguese and  Arab traders brought their ancestors पूर्वज,when they needed…

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India’s Africans – Siddis of Gujurat Posted by on Sep 17, 2021

Deep in the forests वन of Gujarat you will hear the sounds of African drums signaling a dance was occurring. As you walk in the direction of the sounds आवाज़ you will begin to see people that do not look like your average Gujarati. They do look more like people from across the Arabian Sea…

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