Poem in Hindi – Khada Himalaya Bata Raha Hai Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jun 29, 2016 in Hindi Language
Let me translate a nice Hindi poem for you. Hindi poems offers great variety of composition and grammatical structure. So it will be a great way to learn Hindi through reading comprehension of Hindi poems.
In this motivational poem, the poet is telling that the people to be determined on their goals and never give up. I hope that you will try to comprehend the poem with the given explanation. So, here it is.
कविता (Kavita – Poem) : खड़ा हिमालय बता रहा है (Khada Himalaya Bata Raha Hai – Standing Himalaya is telling us)
कवि (Kavi – Poet) : सोहनलाल द्विवेदी (Sohanlal Dwivedi)
खड़ा हिमालय बता रहा है
डरो न आंधी पानी में।
खड़े रहो तुम अविचल हो कर
सब संकट तूफानी में।
Standing Himalaya is telling us,
don’t get scared in storms and rains.
Keep standing steady,
in every thunderstorm of difficultly.
डिगो ना अपने प्राण से, तो तुम
सब कुछ पा सकते हो प्यारे,
तुम भी ऊँचे उठ सकते हो,
छू सकते हो नभ के तारे।
Don’t be shaken from your vow, then you
can get anything in this world.
You can also get up high,
could touch the stars of the sky.
अचल रहा जो अपने पथ पर
लाख मुसीबत आने में,
मिली सफलता जग में उसको,
जीने में मर जाने में।
One that remained determined on his journey
in millions of incoming trouble,
Got the success in this world
in life, and in death.

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I don’t think the translation of the title is translated properly! Not “of those who try.”
Nitin Kumar:
@~A Thanks for pointing this out 🙂 I have corrected the typo.
@Nitin Kumar This poem is a very good 😊 poem. I like 👍 it very much.
It’s a nice poem though! I enjoyed it…the Hindi is not too complex, but there are still some new words and interesting grammatical structures.
Ken Featherlite:
बहुत सुंदर. अटल रहना अगर सीख लिया तो हर आदमी मुसीबत से खुद निकल सकता है.
kishor Kumar:
I love momy
I miss you momy
बहुत सुंदर. अटल रहना अगर सीख लिया तो हर आदमी मुसीबत से खुद निकल सकता है.डिगो ना अपने प्राण से, तो तुम
सब कुछ पा सकते हो प्यारे,
तुम भी ऊँचे उठ सकते हो,
छू सकते हो नभ के तारे।