Tag Archives: bláth
What food can hamsters eat? (plé i nGaeilge – a discussion in Irish) Posted by róislín on Apr 30, 2019

(le Róislín) Cúpla bliain ó shin scríobh mé blagmhír faoi sheirbil agus hamstar, iad ag cur síos ar a gcásanna agus ag rá an raibh ámóg nó caochóg nó tigín nó rudaí eile mar sin acu. Ar ndóigh, beagán antrapamorfachais a bhí ann. (Nasc thíos) A few years ago, I wrote an Irish blogpost about…
Teidil Scannán (Aistrithe go Gaeilge) Líonta Isteach le hAinm Blátha: 30 Film Titles, translated to Irish, Filled In with a Flower Name, Pt. 2 (Answers) Posted by róislín on May 31, 2016
(le Róislín) Here are the answers for the fill-in-the-blanks from the previous blogpost. In most cases, the answer is a type of flower. In two cases, it was actually a form of the word “flower” not a specific type of flower. And one answer was actual a part of a flower, not a type of…
Teidil Scannán (Aistrithe go Gaeilge) le Líonadh Isteach le hAinm Blátha: 30 Film Titles, translated to Irish, to Fill In with a Flower Name, Pt. 1 Posted by róislín on May 29, 2016
(le Róislín) Since we’ve dealt with so many flowers in recent blogs, either as ainmneacha cailíní (Bláithín, Nóinín, srl.) or as the flowers themselves (Nóiníní, Caisearbháin, Cama an Ime, srl.), I thought it would be fun to look for film titles that have a similar theme. So in this blogpost we have 30 titles of…
An Caisearbhán (The Dandelion), Cuid 2: Other Names for ‘Dandelion’ in Irish Posted by róislín on May 27, 2016
(le Róislín) Last time we looked at the word most typically taught for “dandelion” (caisearbhán [kah-SHAR-uh-vawn]) and checked out its interesting etymology (cos, foot, or maybe gas, stem + searbh, bitter + -án). Today we’ll look at the different ways this word can be used in sentences or phrases, and then we’ll move on to…
Bláth Buí Eile — An Caisearbhán (‘Dandelion’ in Irish) Posted by róislín on May 24, 2016
(le Róislín) Continuing our break from the flower-themed girls’ names (like Bláithín, Lile, and Nóinín), we’ll look at another actual flower. Why specifically a “bláth buí” at this particular time? Well, we did nóiníní, which may be partly or all yellow, and then cama an ime, which are completely yellow (hence the “im” part of…
Five More Irish Names for Girls: Daifne, Dafnae (Daphne), Pt. 2 of ‘Names with a Flower Theme (Bláth / Bláithín / Bláthnaid, Daifne / Dafnae, Lil / Lile, Nóinín, Róisín / Róis / Róise, and, sort of, Mairéad / Maighréad)’ Posted by róislín on Apr 30, 2016
(le Róislín) We interrupted this “mionsraith” on “ainmneacha” to acknowledge the passing of Prince, which then led to a discussion of the word “siamsaíocht” in its various forms, since Prince was a “sár-réalta shiamsaíochta.” So now let’s return to some names. This particular set deals with “ainmneacha ban” whose theme is “bláthanna.” First we dealt…
In ómós don sár-réalta shiamsaíochta Prince — Réaltnéal Corcra (a memorial note with some Irish phrases) Posted by róislín on Apr 25, 2016
(le Róislín) Agus mé amuigh ag siúl oíche Dhéardaoin seo caite chonaic mé marquee ag rá “RIP Prince.” Ar dtús ní raibh a fhios agam cén fáth a raibh sé sin scríofa. Bhí mé istigh an chuid is mó den lá ar an lá sin agus níor thug mé mórán airde don nuacht. …