Tag Archives: Breatnais
Children’s Books in Irish by Gwyneth Wynn: References, Links, and Vocabulary (pt. 1) Posted by róislín on Apr 22, 2017

(le Róislín) Crann agus cailleach agus broc, báisteach ar lá atá “breá” in intinn carachtar amháin, agus eachtraí Mhicí ar lorg an leoin agus sa bportach. These are some of the keywords describing Gwyneth Wynn’s children’s books. Our last two blogposts looked specifically at the two books about Micí (an madra) agus Teidí (an béar). …
Which Celtic Language Has 5 Words for ‘Hamster’ (Leid: Ní hí an Ghaeilge í!)? Posted by róislín on Jan 28, 2016
(le Róislín) Bhuel, as the title of this blog post suggests, Irish isn’t the Celtic language that has five words for ‘hamster.’ Or as “an leid” in the title said, “Ní hí an Ghaeilge í.” In fact, we can take care of the Irish word for ‘hamster’ quite tidily: hamstar, a hamster. Note that the…
Abair ‘I Love You’ i nDeich dTeanga (and Irish as the 11th) Posted by róislín on Feb 11, 2015
(le Róislín) ‘Tis the season to speak of “amour,” and the more ways, plus on rit, n’est-ce pas? So let’s briefly review the most traditional Irish phrase for “I love you,” and then we’ll look at the same phrase in 10 other languages. So how much more Irish will you learn from that? Well, the matching…
Harry Potter agus an Teanga Gaeilge? (ar leanúint) Posted by róislín on Jul 20, 2009
Cén fáth an bhéim seo ar Harry Potter? Tá mé ag Azkatraz 2009 faoi láthair, comhdháil faoi na leabhartha, na scannáin, agus rud ar bith a bhaineanns le Harry Potter. Why this emphasis on Harry Potter? I’m at Azkatraz 2009 at the moment, a convention about the books, the movies, and anything related to Harry Potter. Seo…
Harry Potter agus an Teanga Gaeilge? Ní fós! Posted by róislín on Jul 18, 2009
All the world’s a-buzz, once again, about Harry, so we may as well join the sluaite for this ábhar as well. Cá bhfuil na sé leabhar eile? Tá an chéad leabhar ar fáil sna teangacha Gaeilge, Breatnais, Laidin, agus SeanGhréigis, coimisiúnaithe ag Bloomsbury iad féin. Tá an dara leabhar ar fáil sa Laidin chomh maith…
Saying Where You’re From “i nGaeilge” Posted by róislín on Jun 2, 2009
The terms “Gael-Mheiriceánaigh,” “Gael-Cheanadaigh,” and “Gael-Astrálach,” discussed on May 28 and earlier, account for a large percentage of the Irish diaspora, outside the U.S. Now to get more specific. Two North American groups who could have many members wishing to identify themselves in Irish are the Nova Scotians and the Newfoundlanders. In each case…
Logainmneacha Ceilteacha agus Náisiúntachtaí a Trí: Celtic Place Names and Nationalities – Wales and the Welsh Posted by róislín on May 3, 2009
We’ve recently discussed the place names Albain (Scotland) and Éire (Ireland). Now we’ll turn to ”An Bhreatain Bheag” (Wales). Since “Breatain” is a feminine noun, the adjective that modifies it, “beag” (little) becomes “bheag.” And since this country name includes the definite article “an” (the), it also causes “Breatain” to change to “Bhreatain,” pronounced with…