Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Epiphany

The Irish Language Blog Top Ten for 2015: Grandparents, Greetings, and Grá (and more, cait, mar shampla)   Posted by on Dec 31, 2015

(le Róislín) Over five years a-blogging and now it’s time to look back over the blianta (we started in 2009) and see what the most popular topics were. And we start with … <tormáil drumaí> … grandparents. Mór? Críonna? or Sean? — Grandparents By Any Other Name!…y-any-other-name/, Posted on 09. Apr, 2009 byróislínin Irish Language So what’s…

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Cén t-ainm atá agat ar an 6ú lá d mhí Eanáir?  6 ways to say it in Irish Posted by on Jan 6, 2015

(le Róislín) How many ways are there to refer to the “last” day of Christmas (January 6th) in Irish? A solid leathdhosaen, at any rate, maybe a few more in folk tradition.  Can you fill in the blanks to complete the phrases?  The number of blanks corresponds to the number of letters to be filled…

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Séasúr na Nollag (The Christmas Season) – Ó Thús go Deireadh (From Beginning to End) Posted by on Dec 24, 2011

(le Róislín) Ceist mhaith, nach ea?  Cathain a thosaíonn séasúr na Nollag? Braitheann sé, is dócha, ar an áit ina bhfuil tú.  I Meiriceá?  In Éirinn?  In áit eile? Ar bhealach d’fhéadfadh muid a rá go dtosaíonn an Nollaig i mí Iúil mar bíonn an oiread sin de rudaí a bhaineanns leis an gcoincheap sin.  B’fhéidir…

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Deireadh Shéasúr na Nollag – faoi dheireadh! Posted by on Jan 9, 2010

(le Róislín) Bhuel, here are the last few terms I can eke out before we’re totally báite i dtéarmaí Vailintín.  Perhaps you can save them for an Nollaig seo chugainn (next Christmas). an páipéar beartán, the wrapping paper an chloch guail, the lump of coal (for the stockings of all ye buachaillí agus cailíní dána…

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