Tag Archives: gluais
Gluais don alt faoi fhrasaíocht (precipitation vocab in Irish, plus some pronunciation tips) Posted by róislín on Feb 20, 2017

(le Róislín) Our most recent blogpost (nasc thios) discussed four types of precipitation (ceithre chineál frasaíochta) and today’s post will focus on some of the less common words in that article, and, in some cases, pronunciation. So, seo dosaen focal ón bhlagmhír sin, an pictiúr agus an téacs leis san áireamh: bunlíne, bottom line, an bhunlíne…
Dhá fhocal shuimiúla eile ón leagan Gaeilge den “Star-Spangled Banner” Posted by róislín on Jul 8, 2015
(le Róislín) So far, we’ve looked a little closer at the Irish word for “spangle” and at when “spéir” (sky) becomes “spéartha” (skies), based on ”Ó Abair An Léir Dhuit” (the Irish version of “The Star-Spangled Banner”). Before we leave the topic for this year, let’s take a closer look at a couple more “focail…
Gluaisín do ‘Ó Tillich go (Henry) Bemis: Solitude vs. Loneliness agus Dearcadh na Gaeilge’ Posted by róislín on Aug 30, 2013
(le Róislín) Looking over the last blog, ar “uaigneas” agus “aonaracht,” I thought some léitheoirí might welcome a gluaisín ([GLOO-ish-een] little glossary) and cuidiú [KWIDJ-yoo] le fuaimniú [FOO-im-nyoo, with that “-ny-” like the “-ny-” in “canyon”]. If you didn’t get a seans [shanss] to read an blag sin yet, seo an nasc: https://blogs.transparent.com/irish/o-tillich-go-henry-bemis-solitude-vs-loneliness-agus-dearcadh-na-gaeilge/ . If…
Deich nDóigh (10 Ways) le ‘I Love You’ a Rá i nGaeilge Posted by róislín on Feb 8, 2013
(le Róislín) So, Irish has lots of ways to say “I love you,” but most of them don’t involve the verb “to love.” How is that supposed to work? Bhuel, with lots of téarmaí ceana (terms of endearment)! In other words, you mostly use nouns to say that someone is your sweetheart, your darling, your…
Páirtghluais don Bhlag: Fáilte na Madraí roimh Lennox (2005-2012, RIP) Posted by róislín on Jul 15, 2012
(le Róislín) Here’s a little further background on some of the words used in “Fáilte na Madraí roimh Lennox” (https://blogs.transparent.com/irish/failte-na-madrai-roimh-lennox-the-dogs-welcome-to-lennox/). A full gluais and/or aistriúchán may be “ar an bhfeadh mhór” (in the offing). We’ll start with a key term in the blog, Droichead an Tuar Ceatha, which will actually give us three main words…
An Ghaeilge sa Leabhar _Galway Bay_: “Guilpín,” “Grá” agus Go Leor Eile Posted by róislín on Nov 2, 2009
Oíche Fhéile Eoin, an 23ú lá de Mhí an Mheithimh, 1839, i mBearna, Co. na Gaillimhe. We’ve been talking quite a bit lately about Samhain, but now we’ll jump 2.5 seasons forward, and discuss some of the Irish phrases used in the highly praised novel, Galway Bay, by Mary Pat Kelly. The author is currently…
Karros, Carrus, and Today’s “Carr” Posted by róislín on Apr 27, 2009
(le Róislín) You might have noticed “carr” as a recent Word of the Day at blogs.transparent.com. It could be easy to assume that this is a recent borrowing from English, dating to the era of, well, motor-cars. Ach a mhalairt, a chara! (but the opposite, my friend). The word “carr” was in use in…