Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Irish

Téarmaí Oíche Shamhna: Cineálacha Cultacha (Halloween Terms: ‘Kinds of Costumes’ in Irish) Posted by on Oct 6, 2016

(le Róislín) By early October, the maisiúcháin and cultacha are already in full force sna siopaí.  Céard atá pleanáilte agatsa faoi choinne Oíche Shamhna? We’ve talked about cultacha (costumes) previously in this blog, but this would be a good time to review some of the traditional ones.  And to find out if you’ve got any…

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If ‘Dandelion’ Comes from “Dent de Lion,” Where does the Irish name ‘Caisearbhán’ come from?  [Ainmneacha Plandaí 2] Posted by on Sep 23, 2016

(le Róislín) Since we’ve recently been looking at luibhainmneacha (plant names) in Irish, I thought this would be a good time to revisit the dandelion, one of the mostly widely visible and easily recognizable plants of all, even for a “neamhluibheolaí” like myself.  You might remember cúpla iarbhlagmhír on this topic (naisc thíos), but here’s…

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Maidir leis an gCnámh Hióideach Sin (Regarding the Hyoid Bone) — ó radharc an mhadra (Irish-speaking, natch!) Posted by on Jun 18, 2016

(le Róislín) Bhuel, a chairde (cainíneach agus daonna).  Seo an madra ag “caint.”  Tá mé fós ag fanacht le hainm.  Más cuimhin leat, sa bhlag eile fúm (nasc thíos), bhí “Fido” ann mar shampla d’ainm do mhadra, ach b’fhearr liom ainm níos Gaelaí.   Moltaí ar bith agaibh?  Bheinn buíoch díbh!…

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Pronunciation Guide for ’30 Teideal Scannán’ — Flower Terms and Miscellaneous Irish Pronunciation Posted by on Jun 5, 2016

(le Róislín) Before wrapping up our recent films and flowers theme, I figured it might be helpful to look at a couple of the more unusual pronunciations.  So here are my top ten contenders for the least intuitive spellings of the phrases we used recently. As you can see, some of the phrases are a…

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Five More Irish Names for Girls — Names with a Flower Theme (Bláth / Bláithín / Bláthnaid, Daifne / Dafnae, Lil / Lile, Nóinín, Róisín / Róis / Róise, and, sort of, Mairéad / Maighréad) Posted by on Apr 21, 2016

(le Róislín) OK, so that’s really “trí ainm déag” but five name “families”, so I stuck with using “five” in the title of this blogpost, since it matches the format of the recent other entries in this series (naisc thíos). If anyone has some further suggestions for names based on flowers, I’d love to hear…

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An tAinm Iósaef sa Bhíobla (Iósaef as a version of the name Seosamh / Joseph) Posted by on Apr 18, 2016

(le Róislín) We’ve recently looked at 10 Irish names for boys, and 5 for girls (naisc thíos), and of course there are hundreds more we could cover.  We’ll at least balance out the count with 5 more names for girls soon. But for this blog post, let’s look again at those two quotes from the…

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Five Irish Names for Boys: Pronunciation and Meaning (Alabhaois, Éadbhard, Feardorcha, Rónán, Tiarnán) Posted by on Mar 31, 2016

(le Róislín) Continuing our look at some Irish given names, here are five more, this time for boys.   I picked these five names since they are interesting from the viewpoint of spelling or meaning.  They range in popularity from moderate (Rónán) to fairly uncommon (Alabhaois).  At some point, I might also do a blog…

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