Tag Archives: Lile
Speaking of Water-Lilies, whether you know them as bual-lilí, bior-rósanna, duilleoga báite, or póicíní locha Posted by róislín on Jun 30, 2019

(le Róislín) Our most recent post showed some amazingly large water-lilies and looked at the terminology for them. Researching that, I also found the amazing illustration above. Who could resist turning this into a teachable moment – how to say “girl,” “standing,” and “on a water-lily” in Irish? For the second part of today’s blog, we’ll…
How to say ‘water-lily’ in Irish, without using the word ‘uisce’ (water) Posted by róislín on Jun 17, 2019

(le Róislín) Intriguingly, Irish has quite a few words for water-lily. For water-lilies in general, we have bual-lile, bior-rós, duilleog bháite, and póicín locha. More specifically, for distinct types, we have bacán bán or duilleog bháite bhán, for the white, and cabhán abhann, duilleog bháite bhuí, and liach-loghar, for the yellow. With compound words like…
Bláth Buí Eile — An Caisearbhán (‘Dandelion’ in Irish) Posted by róislín on May 24, 2016
(le Róislín) Continuing our break from the flower-themed girls’ names (like Bláithín, Lile, and Nóinín), we’ll look at another actual flower. Why specifically a “bláth buí” at this particular time? Well, we did nóiníní, which may be partly or all yellow, and then cama an ime, which are completely yellow (hence the “im” part of…
Five More Irish Names for Girls: Lil / Lile, Pt. 3 of ‘Names with a Flower Theme (Bláth / Bláithín / Bláthnaid, Daifne / Dafnae, Lil / Lile, Nóinín, Róisín / Róis / Róise, and, sort of, Mairéad / Maighréad)’ Posted by róislín on May 6, 2016
(le Róislín) Continuing with our series of flower-themed names for girls (naisc thíos), let’s look now at the names “Lil” and “Lile (Líle),” which may be equated with Lily or Lelia, or which may be pet forms of the names “Elizabeth” and/or “Cecilia.” That latter derivation is from the late Irish names authority, Patrick Woulfe…
Five More Irish Names for Girls — Names with a Flower Theme (Bláth / Bláithín / Bláthnaid, Daifne / Dafnae, Lil / Lile, Nóinín, Róisín / Róis / Róise, and, sort of, Mairéad / Maighréad) Posted by róislín on Apr 21, 2016
(le Róislín) OK, so that’s really “trí ainm déag” but five name “families”, so I stuck with using “five” in the title of this blogpost, since it matches the format of the recent other entries in this series (naisc thíos). If anyone has some further suggestions for names based on flowers, I’d love to hear…