Irish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Pennsylvania

Naoimh, Neimhe, Néimhe, and Nimhe  — and what does any of this have to do with Saint Patrick?  (Cuid 1 as 2) Posted by on Mar 20, 2016

(le Róislín) Well, to answer the title question, the St. Patrick connection will primarily be in the first of the four words in the title, “naoimh.” You might remember that in the most recent blog (nasc thíos), we looked at these five words: naomh, neamh, neamh- (the prefix), Niamh, and nimh, meaning, in order: saint…

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An tEarrach (The Spring): 20 Márta 2014 Posted by on Mar 22, 2014

 (le Róislín) By all accounts now, Spring has finally sprung, on March 20th for this year.  At least astronomically.  Maybe in the next blog we’ll look at two other traditional dates for “Spring”– February 1st and March 1st.  All three calendar systems have their validity. Meanwhile, how do we say “Spring” in Irish?  And just…

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An Vaidhtéir Ab Óige Riamh: Logan Stevenson, 22 Deireadh Fómhair 2010-5 Lúnasa 2013 Posted by on Aug 14, 2013

(le Róislín) Normally when we talk about children participating in weddings, it’s either as iompróirí fáinne or as cailíní bláthanna.   But I recently read a heart-breaking story about a young boy, terminally ill, who served as vaidhtéir (best man) at his parents’ wedding.  Ní raibh sé ach dhá bhliain d’aois. Cén fáth an brú seo…

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Logainmneacha a Thosaíonn le Gutaí (a, e, i, o, u) agus “in” Posted by on Jul 19, 2011

(le Róislín) Our last blog dealt with places names like Ceanada and Cúba, which take “urú,” and additional place names like Meicsiceo or Sasana, which are not subject to “urú” because of the letters they happen to start with.  As you may recall, the “urú” examples work like this: Tá sé ina chónaí i gCeanada. …

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Cá Bhfuil Tú i do Chónaí? I “mBratach Mheiriceá,” AZ (!) Posted by on Jul 4, 2011

(le Róislín) Bhí mé réidh le níos mó a scríobh faoi na trídhathaigh a bhfuil ceithre dhath orthu, ach tháinig mé ar bheagán eolais faoin scáilbhaile, Bratach Mheiriceá, in Arizona agus shíl mé go mbeadh sé suimiúil blaigín a scríobh faoi.  Ciallaíonn ainm an bhaile “American Flag.”  Go teoiriciúil, d’fhéadfadh duine “Tá mé i mo…

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