Tag Archives: seachtar
Irish ‘Fill in the Blanks’ for ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’ (Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag) (cuid/part 2 of 2) Posted by róislín on Dec 31, 2017

(le Róislín) Now that we’ve practiced filling in the blanks for the first six lines of the “Dhá Lá Dhéag na Nollag” (The Twelve Days of Christmas), let’s try the last six. As before, each phrase has just the right number of blank spaces for the intended word, including a space for any punctuation marks…
Titles, Quotes, and Sayings in Irish to Practice Terms for ‘Daoine Muinteartha’ (Family Members), Cuid/Part 1 Posted by róislín on Nov 28, 2016
(le Róislín) Aithreacha, máithreacha, deirfiúracha agus deartháireacha agus a thuilleadh. Fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, and more. Today’s blogpost consists of a few traditional proverbs in Irish and a variety of quotes, paraphrases, and classic book, movie, or TV program titles that I have translated into Irish or written in Irish. In each case, a key…
Ag Comhaireamh Daoine i gCultacha Oíche Shamhna (Vaimpírí, Gúil, srl.) Posted by róislín on Oct 12, 2012
(le Róislín) So, the title of this blog means “Counting People in Halloween Costumes,” but of course there’s always the possibility that these beings are simply that, neacha (beings). I’ll leave that idirdhealú to you, na léitheoirí, and I’ll just proceed with how we would count them, lenite them, eclipse them, and otherwise grammatically manipulate…
Cé Mhéad Duine? How Many People? Na hUimhreacha Pearsanta i nGaeilge (ar leanúint) Posted by róislín on Aug 10, 2009
Finally returning to the uimhreacha pearsanta after the numerous events of the past couple of weeks, both happy and sad ones. This time we’ll count from six to ten people, more on larger groups of people later! First, a quick review, for one to five people: duine amháin or aonar (depending on the type of…
Harry Potter agus an Teanga Gaeilge? Ní fós! Posted by róislín on Jul 18, 2009
All the world’s a-buzz, once again, about Harry, so we may as well join the sluaite for this ábhar as well. Cá bhfuil na sé leabhar eile? Tá an chéad leabhar ar fáil sna teangacha Gaeilge, Breatnais, Laidin, agus SeanGhréigis, coimisiúnaithe ag Bloomsbury iad féin. Tá an dara leabhar ar fáil sa Laidin chomh maith…
Cé Mhéad Duine? How Many People? – Na hUimhreacha Pearsanta i nGaeilge (Numbers for Counting People in Irish) Posted by róislín on Jul 16, 2009
(le Róislín) As I alluded to in the earlier post on “maoluimhreacha” (independent numbers), Irish has a separate system for counting people. These are used up to 10 and also for 12. Eleven is skipped over for these purposes. The phrase for counting 11 people uses the same number system as saying you have 11…