Tag Archives: shamrock
Nature Words in Irish, pt. 7: Holly (following ‘acorn’ to ‘herring’) Posted by róislín on Nov 18, 2019

(le Róislín) Which words should be in a dictionary and which ones should be removed after a certain period of time? We can all probably agree that for modern English pocket dictionaries, we probably don’t need to take up space with words like “apricity” or “yelm,” although I’m delighted to find them in Landmarks, Robert…
Happy, Happiness and Happy Dances in Irish (mostly based on ‘áthas’) Posted by róislín on May 25, 2015
(le Róislín) “I’m just doing a little happy dance.” Recently overheard at an event I attended, where one of the coordinators had had to sit on the floor because all the seats were taken. At the end of the event, she got up, did some yoga-like stretches, and one of the other coordinators asked if…
Ag seinm uirlisí ceoil, ó alpchorn go xileafón (Alpenhorn to Xylophone in Irish, pt. 1) Posted by róislín on Mar 19, 2015
(le Róislín) Uirlisí ceoil ón alpchorn go dtí an xileafón. And, just for good, ermm, measure (“líne“) here, we’ll nudge them into the “tuiseal ginideach,” so we can say “playing the alpenhorn” or “playing the xylophone.” And why do we need “an tuiseal ginideach“? And what is it, anyway? We saw a bit of it…
Seamróga ag Seinm — Google’s Musical Shamrocks for St. Patrick’s Day Posted by róislín on Mar 17, 2015
(le Róislín) Often when I see Google’s imaginative “Doodles,” I want to drop everything and write a blog about them in Irish. But somehow I never quite got around to it before. But the seamróga in today’s Doodle seem to be a natural for some Irish vocab practice. And just to make it a little…
Seamra vs. Seamróga: Which Plant Goes with St. Patrick’s Day? Posted by róislín on Mar 17, 2014
(le Róislín) An tseamair nó an tseamróg? There’s lots of discussion online and in print about what plant is actually meant by the term “shamrock.” This blog isn’t going to attempt to solve that riddle, but we will look at the related vocabulary for “clover” in general and for “shamrock” in particular. “Seamróg” is the…
10 Ways to Describe “Seamróga” (Shamrocks) in Irish Posted by róislín on Mar 8, 2014
(le Róislín) As we approach Lá Fhéile Pádraig (aka “Lá ‘le Pádraig” and “St. Patrick’s Day”), our thoughts naturally turn to “seamróga” (shamrocks). How many ways can we think of to describe them? We’ll try for at least ten in this blog. Maybe some readers will have some more suggestions. A key thing to remember…
Póit, Poit, Poitín, Póitín, Pótaire, Potaire, or, Mind Your “Síntí Fada” Posted by róislín on Mar 17, 2012
(le Róislín) Continuing with the topic of tippling and toping for Lá Fhéile Pádraig, here’s another interesting assortment of timely tidbits of vocabulary. Four of the words in the title actually have to do with drinking (really three and a variation), and two have nothing to do with drinking, but are simply here as a…