Italian Language Blog

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Camping in Italian Posted by on Aug 20, 2020

Ciao a tutti i miei cari amici!  Today we are going to talk and discover some camping vocabulary in Italian. Just like in the USA, camping is a popular pastime in Italy. Wild camping is forbidden in national parks, however, so if you ever want to camp make sure you find a dedicated campsite. The…

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Ferragosto – An Italian Holiday Posted by on Aug 13, 2020

Buon Ferragosto a tutti!  This Saturday, il 15 agosto, is the Italian holiday of Ferragosto. It originates from the Feriae Augusti, the festival of Emperor Augustus, where workers would enjoy some rest after the agricultural harvest. It would even include a monetary bonus for workers after they were wished buon ferragosto from their employers. It…

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Italian Comedy – Aldo, Giovanni & Giacomo Posted by on Aug 7, 2020

Ciao a tutti, di nuovo! I wanted to share with you some comedy sketches in Italian that I have enjoyed, for both Italian listening practice, and because they are funny! Aldo, Giovanni and Giacomo are an Italian trio of comedians, actors and screenwriters. They have been active since 1982 and they are some of the…

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Storia all’Incontrario – The Upside-Down Tale Posted by on Jul 31, 2020

This is an Italian story called “The Upside-Down Tale” written by Noemi Fabbri for a children’s school in Castel San Pietro Terme, a small commune in the metropolitan city of Bologna. I found it online through a site called Nenanet where there are many other stories and fables written in Italian, so check it out for…

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A Virtual Trip – Ravenna Posted by on Jul 23, 2020

Un Viaggio Virtuale – Ravenna Ciao ai miei cari lettori!  Considering the current ban on travel to Europe for American residents (anyone else have canceled summer plans?) I thought we could partake in un viaggio virtuale, insieme! Andiamo a Ravenna!  Ravenna, located in the Emilia-Romagna region of Northern Italy, is considered an inland city yet is…

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Insomma, Italia ti amo! Posted by on Jul 16, 2020

Passeggiare tra i sentieri nascosti di posti magici. Stroll through the hidden paths of magical places. Ciao a tutti amici miei! Oggi mi sento un po’ più poetica rispetto al solito e quindi vi parlerò di una cosa che mi ha colpito subito, dal primo istante in cui ho posato il piede sul suolo italiano…

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Ennio Morricone – An Italian Legend Posted by on Jul 8, 2020

Ennio Morricone – Un Mito Italiano  Ieri ci lascia un genio, un mito della musica, un grande vanto dell’Italia, Ennio Morricone. Il compositore aveva 91 anni.  Yesterday a genius left us, a musical legend, a great pride of Italy, Ennio Morricone. The composer was 91 years old, and died as a result of complications from…

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