Archive for 'Italian Language'
Italian Popular Sayings – Answers Posted by Serena on Sep 3, 2018
Here are the translations to last week’s blog Italian Popular Sayings – A Quiz avere la luna storta/di traverso literal translation = to have the moon sideways meaning = to be in a bad mood avere la luna sul gomito literal translation = to have the moon on your elbow meaning = fake! I woke…
Italian Popular Sayings – A Quiz Posted by Serena on Aug 31, 2018
Here’s a fun little quiz about detti popolari (popular sayings). In Italy we have many weird and wonderful detti popolari, some of which have a similar equivalent in English, and others which need a bit of explanation in order to be understood. In the list of detti below, we’ve given their literal translation rather than…
Le Bambole Della Nonna Posted by Serena on Aug 20, 2018
Do you ever have the feeling, dear reader, that contemporary western culture could do with taking a step back and rediscovering a few lost pleasures? Introduction by Geoff … pleasures such as the simple act of making things for yourself rather than buying mass produced plastic cianfrusaglie (knick-knacks). As children we often made our own…
Putting Together The Pieces. Posted by Serena on Aug 9, 2018
Here’s the final chapter in our detective story The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body. La sera successiva al raid sull’Isola di Montecristo e l’arresto del Dottor Franco Sasso, il Tenente Ciceri può finalmente rilassarsi un po’ con la famiglia. A cena in pizzeria, davanti ad una bella pizza marinara, i tre figli, curiosi di…
A Ghastly Discovery! Posted by Serena on Jul 27, 2018
Today, in the next chapter of our detective story, Inspector Augusto and Lieutenant Ciceri uncover the mystery of the Island of Montecristo. Il furgone refrigeratore con a bordo l’uomo incappucciato, l’Ispettore Augusto e il Tenente Ciceri, si ferma ai piedi della scalinata d’ingresso di Villa Reale. Sulla veranda, ad aspettarli, c’è un uomo che indossa…
All’Isola Di Montecristo Posted by Serena on Jul 17, 2018
Today, in part nine of ‘The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body’, we’re going to follow Inspector Augusto and Lieutenent Ciceri to the island of Montecristo. Sono le 4.25 di una notte buia e tranquilla quando un peschereccio arriva nelle acque al largo dell’isola di Montecristo. A bordo insieme al capitano ci sono l’Ispettore Augusto…
L’Interrogatorio Posted by Serena on Jul 9, 2018
Today, in part eight of ‘The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body’, we’re going to follow Inspector Augusto and Lieutenent Ciceri as they question the crew of a fishing boat containing human parts. You can read all the previous chapters by clicking on the following links: Chapter 1: The Strange Case Of The Irregular Body…