Archive for 'Italian Language'
Le Mie Favole Preferite Posted by Serena on Nov 28, 2017
Leggendo la storia di Cappuccetto Rosso tradotta da Vincenza e Geoff, mi sono tornate in mente le altre favole che conoscevo da bambina. Mi piaceva tanto ascoltare le favole e guardare le figure sognando quando ero piccola, circa quattro o cinque anni, prima che imparassi a leggere i libri ‘veri’! La mia favola preferita era…
Cappuccetto Rosso – Part 3. Posted by Geoff on Nov 24, 2017
Here’s part 3. of Cappuccetto Rosso. You can find part 1 HERE, and part 2. HERE. By and by Little Red Riding-Hood reached her grandmother’s house, and tapped at the door. Non molto dopo Cappuccetto Rosso raggiunse la casa della nonna, e batté leggermente alla porta. “Come in,” said the wolf, in a squeaking voice…
Cappuccetto Rosso – Part 2. Posted by Geoff on Nov 22, 2017
Here’s part 2. of Little Red Riding Hood. You can find part 1. HERE Little Red Riding-Hood was not in a hurry, and there were many things to amuse her in the wood. She ran after the white and yellow butterflies that danced before her, and sometimes she caught one, but she always let it…
Cappuccetto Rosso – Part 1. Posted by Geoff on Nov 20, 2017
My friend Vincenza is a retired Italian language teacher who’s been learning English with me for a while now. Recently we set ourselves the project of translating a version of the traditional fairy tale, Little Red Riding Hood. It was quite challenging, and a lot of fun. Here’s what we ended up with: “Now, are…
Che Palle! Posted by Geoff on Nov 2, 2017
Well, we’ve discussed bottoms, now I think it’s time to move onto another anatomical region that gives rise to a plethora of colloquial Italian expressions … balls! My recent inclusion of the expression ‘che palle’ in our blog Una Gita A Parma, and more expressly my English translation ‘what a bore’, seems to have caused…
Che Culo!!! Posted by Geoff on Oct 30, 2017
It’s interesting, and rather amusing, that an article about a cultural visit to Parma should generate so much controversy about bottoms! Well, let’s put that controversy to rest shall we? But first, a word of advice dear readers. I’ve said it many times before, and I’ll say it again: don’t get hung up on literal…
Una Gita Culturale – Part 1 Posted by Serena on Oct 19, 2017
Not long ago, Geoff was chatting with a couple of friends in the bar about the imminent arrival of winter and how to pass the time, “perché qua a Pontremoli, non succede un cavolo di niente!” We need to keep our brains alive somehow, said Geoff … how about we organise una gita culturale (a…