Fa freddo! Posted by Bridgette on Jan 14, 2022 in Vocabulary
Ciao a tutti!
Fa freddo da me (It’s cold where I am), although not as cold as where I am originally from since I’ve been checking and comparing the weather to my hometown this past week. But all the same, c’è un’ondata di freddo (there’s a cold spell) where I am now and presumably for a lot of you as well. So let’s share some ways to talk about this winter weather that so many of us are experiencing.
Fa freddo – It’s cold
Fa freddissimo – It’s really cold
È gelido – It’s freezing
È ghiacciato – It’s frosty
Fa un freddo pungente – It’s bitterly cold
Ho la pelle d’oca – I have goose bumps
C’è un’ondata di freddo – There’s a a cold spell
Sto congelando – I am freezing cold
Nevica / C’è la neve – It’s snowing
Oggi fa un freddo cane – Today it’s dog cold – It’s extremely cold
C’è un freddo da morire!* – There is a cold to die for – It’s extremely cold
Si muore di freddo – One dies from the cold weather – It’s extremely cold
Che freddo, ho i brividi – What cold, I have the shivers!
Piove sempre sul bagnato. – It always rains on the wet ground – It never rains, but it pours
Piove a catinelle – It’s raining buckets – It’s raining cats and dogs
Tempo da lupi – wolf weather – bad weather
This rhyme predicts the weather depending upon the color of the sky at night or morning…
Rosso di sera, bel tempo si spera – Red at night, good weather one hopes
Rosso di mattina, il mal tempo si avvicina – Red in the morning, bad weather is getting near
And lastly…
Piove, governo ladro! – It rains, blame the government!
This popular exclamation is just an ironic way to blame the government for everything. ?
La temperatura – temperature
La temperatura in Italia è espressa con la scala Celsius. The temperature in Italy is expressed with the Celsius scale.
Some conversions for temperature:
- 0 degrees Celsius is equal to 32 degrees Fahrenheit. (The freezing point)
- 32 degrees Celsius is 90 degrees Fahrenheit
- 24 degrees Celsius is 75 degrees Fahrenheit
- 10 degrees Celsius is 50 degrees Fahrenheit
- To convert Celsius (c) to Fahrenheit, use the formula (c x 1.8) + 32
Allora – c’è un freddo da morire da voi? So, is there a freezing cold where you’re at?
*you can use the expression da morire in other instances as well – ho fame da morire! (I’m extremely hungry) È noiso da morire! (It’s extremely boring)

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grazie mille per i tuoi interessanti BLOGS. Io sono nata in Calabria pero adesso vivo nel N,J, Qui oggi fa un freddo cane e forse nevichera.’ Sendo calabrese sento la mancanza del sole e del calduccio
Buon di’
Patricia Egner:
Fa freddo da me (New Jersey)
Buon anno a tutti
geronimo vicente:
Io sono braziliano. Qui fa caldo. É state.fa 35 graus
Ho trovato questa idioma mentre sto imparando le tue: “Cielo a pecorelle, acqua a catinelle.”
Sheeps in sky, water in buckets.
(Do sheep pee a lot?)
A mackerel sky, is never long dry.
(What, fish in the sky?)
Red sky at night, sailors take flight.
(Maybe the best choice.)