Italian Language Blog

Italian Subjunctive Quiz – The Solutions Posted by on Jun 23, 2017 in Grammar

Allora … com’è andata? Here are the answers to our Italian Subjunctive Quiz. Let’s find out how you got on …

Se io non avessi accatastato i mattoni sul muro Ambra non avrebbe trovato il suo divano speciale!

1. Present Tense, Regular Verbs

Verb = telefonare: Lucia vuole che le telefoni dopo le cinque = Lucia wants you to phone her after five o’clock
Verb = finire: Speriamo che la festa finisca presto = Let’s hope the party will finish early
Verb = servirsi: Si serva pure, Signor Rossi = Help yourself, Mr. Rossi
Verb = riuscire: E’ difficile che Mario e Giovanna riescano ad arrivare in tempo = it’s unlikely that Mario and Giovanna will manage to get here in time

2. Present Tense, Irregular Verbs

Verb = fare: Speriamo che non faccia troppo caldo al mare = Let’s hope it won’t be too hot at the seaside
Verb = dire: Bisogna che tu mi dica a che ora arriverai = You need to tell me at what time you’ll arrive
Verb = essere: Dobbiamo affrettarci affinché sia tutto pronto per domani mattina = We have to hurry in order to get everything ready for tomorrow morning

3. Perfect Tense

Verb = ricordarsi: Spero che Mario si sia ricordato di comprare il pane = I hope Mario remembered to buy the bread
Verb = piacere: Pensi che a Lucia sia piaciuto il regalo? = Do you think Lucia liked the present?
Verb = cominciare: Dubito che abbiano già cominciato a mangiare = I doubt that they’ve already started eating
Verb = piovere: Sembra che qui non sia/abbia piovuto affatto = It seems that it hasn’t rained here at all
Verb = cadere: E’ probabile che le chiavi siano cadute dalla borse mentre pagavi = It’s likely that the keys fell out of the bag while you were paying
Verb = andare: Sebbene io sia andata a letto tardi, mi sono svegliata presto = Even though I went to bed late, I woke up early

4. Imperfect Tense

Verb = aiutare: Speravo che Giulia mi aiutasse a preparare la cena = I was hoping that Giulia would help me to prepare dinner
Verb =
andare: Credevamo che Mario andasse in Grecia per le vacanze = We thought that Mario was going to Greece for his holidays
Verb = girare: Bastava che giraste l’angolo e avreste trovato una gelateria = You (plural) only needed to turn the corner and you would have found an ice-cream parlour
Verb = rinunciare: Non era giusto che Maria rinunciasse alla sua solita passeggiata domenicale = It was unfair that Maria had to give up her usual Sunday walk
Verb = piovere: Abbiamo continuato a camminare benché piovesse = We carried on walking even though it was raining
Verb = avere: Se avessi un milione di euro mi comprerei una casa al mare = If I had a million Euro I’d buy a house at the seaside

5. Pluperfect Tense

Verb = partire: Pensavamo che tu fossi già partito = We thought that you’d already left
Verb = dimenticarsi: Temevo che Mario si fosse dimenticato di comprare il pane = I was afraid that Mario had forgotten to buy the bread
Verb = andare: Sembrava che tutto fosse andato secondo il piano = It seemed that everything had gone according to plan
Verb = avere: Era inverosimile che Mario avesse avuto un’idea così originale! = It was extremely unlikely that Mario had had such an original idea!
Verb = esserci: Ti avrei telefonato solo nel caso che ci fosse stato un cambio di programma = I would have only called you in case there had been a change of plan
Verb = lasciare: Se avessimo lasciato la macchina lì adesso sarebbe all’ombra = If we had left the car there it would be in shade now

How easy was that folks!?! 😉

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  1. Kimberly Koehler:

    One of the many things I really like about your posts are the expressions and sentences you choose. They are what we beginners actually need to learn how to say. Thank you so much. I have two Italian surnamed friends and we are struggling to learn this language.

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