Temporale Estivo Posted by Bridgette on Aug 6, 2021 in Culture, Literature, Vocabulary
Ciao a tutti!
Seeing as summer is in full swing, I wanted to share a summer inspired poesia (poem): Temporale Estivo – “Summer Lightening Storm” written by Federigo Tozzi (1883-1920).
Some of Federigo Tozzi’s background according to wikipedia:
“Tozzi was the son of an innkeeper. He initially worked as a railway official, but took over running the family inn after his father’s death. In 1911 he published his first book of poetry. Two years later, he began work on his first novel, Con gli occhi chiusi (“With closed eyes”), which was highly autobiographical.
That same year, he also founded a nationalist, bi-weekly magazine called La Torre and became a journalist in Rome. Through his literary activity, he caught the attention of the writer Luigi Pirandello, who subsequently supported him.
In the decades following his death, he came to be considered one of the first Italian modernists. According to Italo Calvino, he is one of the great European writers of Italian descent. His style is concise and laconic.”
Ecco la poesia:
Temporale Estivo
Le nuvole grigie e nere si urtano,
si pigiano spinte dal vento, nascondono
il sole, oscurano il cielo.
Ci son ancora, qua e là, lembi d’azzurro,
ma vanno facendosi sempre più piccoli,
sempre più radi.
Ecco un lampo: guizza, abbaglia,
sembra incendi il cielo.
Poi scoppia il tuono.
Un tonfo forte, un brontolio lungo.
I passeri si rifugiano
sotto i tegoli, le rondini volano basse,
senza stridi.
Cadono le prime gocce d’acqua, si fanno
fitte, sembrano grossi aghi lucenti.
Poi la pioggia scroscia impetuosa.
Summer Lightning Storm
The gray and black clouds collide,
they squeeze one another, pushed by the wind, hiding
the sun, obscuring the sky.
There are still, here and there, strips of blue,
but they are becoming smaller and smaller,
more and more sparse.
Here’s a flash: it darts, it dazzles,
It seems to set the sky on fire.
Then the thunder bursts.
A loud thud, a long rumbling.
Sparrows take refuge
under the shingles, the swallows fly low
without screeching.
The first drops of water fall, they become
dense, they look like thick, bright needles.
Then the rain pelts down impetuously.
Some weather related vocab:
to flash (lightening) – lampeggiare
It is hot and humid – Fa caldo e umido
The weather will be great tomorrow – Il tempo sarà bellissimo domani
What is the weather forecast? – Quali sono le previsioni del tempo?
It is raining right now – Sta piovendo proprio ora
It will be warm and sunny tomorrow – Farà caldo e bello domani
Spero che la vostra estate stia andando bene! I hope that your summer is going well!

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Grazie mille per questa poesia Di nuovo, la ringrazio. Ciao, Bridgitte! Grazie mille per questa bella poesia – è abbastanza visiva, per me. E grazie per aver introdotto questo scrittore – Sono interessato a sapere di più su lui e sui suoi scritti, specialmente con la raccomandazione di I. Calvino!!! Di nuovo, la ringrazio, Minou
Rosemary C Trombetta:
Che bella poesia! Riflette addirittura il tempo che fa adesso nel New Jersey.