4 Examples of Latin & Video Games Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jun 25, 2014 in Latin Language, Roman culture
Salve Omnes!
Video games permeate through our world from the popular game consoles, Facebook games, phone apps, and so on. But, I bet you didn’t know that some of your favorite video games…actually have Latin in them! Here is an awesome basic video that shows some of the more popular instances, but some of which I explain more in depth later on.
Pokémon (or Pocket Monsters) at little creatures trainers duel with in order to win gym badges and defeat evil. Pokémon have different abilities, shapes and sizes; they usually exhibit one major element (grass, water, fighting, ground, psychic, fairy, etc.). If you are interested in more of the origins of Pokémon terms, names, and word; please check out this site here.
Mereyl (Mare-sea)
Dugtrio (Tri- Latin root for 3)
Teddiursa (Urse- Bear)
Sealeo (Leo-Lion)
Litleo (Leo-Lion)
Torterra (Terra- Earth)
Luxio (Lux- Light)
Xerneas (Cernunnos Celtic god based on a deer itself from the Latin ‘cervus’)
Lunatone (luna-moon)
Solrock (sol-sun)
Curiously, the Final Fantasy writers utilize many ancient monster and mythological creature names for their games. There has been plenty of discussion about this facet of the game, but it assumed that the creatures are simply not copyrighted and thus can be used. The latest monster addition is of the mythical monster Scylla (here). However, the Latin within this game can be directly seen within some of the villain’s names.
Gaius Van Baelsar (Legatus of the XIVth legion and overseer of the occupation of Ala Mhigo)- Gauis is a very popular first name amongst Roman men.
Nero Tol Scaeva (Members of the XIVth legion)- Nero was the popular nomen (Latin for name) for the Emperor Nero. Scaeva means a left handed person, and fittingly all his cut scene picture him using his left hand primarily.
Livia Sas Junius (Members of the XIVth legion)- Livia is a popular name amongst Roman women, but most notably the name of Emperor Augustus’ second wife.
Solus Zos Galvus (First Emperor of Garlemald)- Solus means alone or only in Latin. This may refer to the fact that Solus is the emperor and the only one with power.
Do you like video games? Do you want to play one that is completely in Latin? The following site (here) has Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda and Zelda II: Adventure of Link all in Latin!
This game is designed to allow all your favorite Nintendo characters duel against one another with various weapons and background.
However, the Latin for this game ties in with one the most popular music tracks that can be played during the dueling.
For the translation both official and literal, please visit here. I don’t wish to spam this post with lyrics.
For video games that touch upon Ancient Rome are countless, but for an entire list check here. However, one particular game that I played growing up was the city-building game known as Caesar I-III. Did anyone else play?
For one of the more recent Ancient Rome themed video games (Ryse: Son of Rome) check out a historical analysis here.

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About the Author: Brittany Britanniae
Hello There! Please feel free to ask me anything about Latin Grammar, Syntax, or the Ancient World.