Latin Language Blog

Roman Remedies for Hot Summers Posted by on Jul 1, 2015

The Romans were no strangers to the summer heat. In fact, the modern term: “the dog days of summer”” actually comes from the Latin ‘dies canincula’, the Roman term used to describe the stuffy, hot period of weather between July and mid-August. The name comes from the fact that Sirius (the dog star) rises with…

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5 Latin Dinosaur Names Posted by on Jun 24, 2015

In the spirit of the Jurassic World, I wanted to do a post on dinosaurs! The world of dinosaurs is vast and overwhelming! They are tons of dinosaurs and all of them have different names! However, most of the names are in Greek, but there are a few in Latin.  Dinosaur comes from the Greek words…

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Game of Thrones Season Finale: A True Roman Ending Posted by on Jun 18, 2015

Anyone that knows me and my blogger style know that I love looking at pop culture and seeing how Ancient Rome or the Latin language resonates within it. So this week is no exception, I will be looking at the Season Finale of Game of Thrones. Just like everyone else that watched it, I was…

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Monthly Latin Spotlight Text: Magna Carta Posted by on Jun 10, 2015

In celebration of 800th anniversary, this month’s text is the Magna Carta!   Name: Magna Carta (Latin: the Great Charter) Also Known As: Magna Carta Libertatum  (Latin for “the Great Charter of the Liberties”) Date: June 15 1215 Author(s):  UNKNOWN. Many 19th-century historians suggested that the charter was written by one of its most influential signers, Archbishop of Canterbury Stephen…

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25 Latin Phrases Every Student Should Know Posted by on Jun 3, 2015

These phrases will assist in all student’s ability to write well and impress their instructors. Thus, here is a list of Latin phrases that student should try to use and commit to memory during the summer for their fall terms (if they are not in summer school/session). Latin is more than a dead language…

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Discovery of the Month: Nero’s Revolving Dining Room Posted by on May 27, 2015

Salvete Omnes! Today we will be starting a new monthly post (like the text spotlight posts) in which we relive and explore the discovery of a Roman artifact, place, or item. Today, we will be focusing on the fabled rotating dining room of Nero! The legendary dining hall has been discovered in Rome’s Palatine Hill. The…

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Roman Inventions & Technology Posted by on May 20, 2015

Roman technology is the engineering practice which supported Roman civilization and made the expansion of Roman commerce and Roman military possible for almost three quarters of a millennium (753 BC–476 AD). 1. Book/Codex- First mentioned by Martial in the 1st Century AD. A codex (Latin caudex for “trunk of a tree” or block of wood, book…

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