Latin Language Blog

4 Ancient Roman Good Luck Items Posted by on Mar 18, 2015

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this post will be completely about luck (Latin: felix or fortuna).Luck has been seen in the form of a four leaf clover, a rabbit’s foot, a rainbow, or even a lucky penny. Everyone has those moments, at some point in the lives, were they just hope and pray this…

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Measurements of Time in Latin Posted by on Mar 12, 2015

Salvette Omnes, In honor of daylight savings- and springing the clocks an hour ahead, I thought a post about Roman timekeeping was in order! A Quarter Pass Twelve? The Romans time of day was divided into 12 hours (Latin: horae) of light and 12 hours of darkness. The Romans also divided the day into other periods, such as…

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Latin Mass to be offered to mark reinterment of Richard III Posted by on Mar 4, 2015

Salvette Omnes, I hope everyone is doing well this fine day! So for today- I will be doing a bit of news-jacking. I love finding these tidbits in the news about Latin being used in everyday life, for historic events, or even old traditions kindling anew. In today’s news, a Requiem Mass in the traditional Latin…

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Ancient Rome & China: Five Examples of their Relationship Posted by on Feb 26, 2015

In honor of Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year (February 19th), I wanted to write a post on the relations between Ancient Rome and China. I did not want to examine the minute details for the expert scholar, but rather provide a survey or summary of my research for anyone that was curious about…

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The Pope’s Latin Tweets Soar! Posted by on Feb 18, 2015

Some people say that Latin is a “dead” language, and you can hear my not-so sarcastic thoughts on that subject (here) in a post titled “If Latin is a dead language, Do zombies speak it?” However, the trends of social media would prove that it is anything BUT dead! Facebook even offers the option to…

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Valentine’s Day Tip: Add a Latin Love Quote! Posted by on Feb 11, 2015

Happy Valentine’s Day Everyone! I hope everyone is ready for the upcoming holiday even if it is for an “Anti-Valentine’s Day.” I hope your Valentine’s Day or Lupercalia is filled with happiness and joy or at least lots of sweets and good movies or books.If you want to know the Ancient Roman history and festivals…

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Is Groundhog Day Modern Augury? Posted by on Feb 5, 2015

Salvete Omnes, Earlier this week, Groundhog Day was celebrated on February 2.  According to folklore, if the groundhog sees it shadow and retreats back to its burrow then there will be six more weeks of winter. However, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges, then perhaps spring will come early. Modern customs of the holiday…

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