Smells Life Teen Spirit: Latin Edition I Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Oct 30, 2020 in Latin Language
Salvete Omnes,
As I contemplated this month on what to write – I looked at previous posts from around this time. Some highlights to draw your attention to are:
- Scary Stories from Ancient Rome
- What Spooked the Ancient Romans?
- Roman Superstitions
- The Unofficial Ancient Roman Survival Guide
- Popular Ancient Roman Costume Ideas
This month I wanted to talk about this awesome translation of a classic Nirvana song. I have included the English and Latin lyrics of the song, and next month we are going to dive deeper into the cases, word choice (there were not guns in ancient Rome), and more. But, I don’t wish to inundate you with the details this month. So, let this be a listen and study post and next week tune in for the answers and explanations.
If you celebrate Halloween, be safe this weekend!
Salvé, salvé, salvé, parve?
Pará pílís, trahe amícós
Perdere, fingere fruor
Perlassus est et superbus
Ó nón, cupídinem sció
Sine lúce, angor minus
Oblectáte, nunc híc sumus
Mé sentió aeger, stultus
Oblectáte, nunc híc sumus
Barbarus, albínus, culex et, mea libídó
Hei! Hae, ha ha ha ha!
Peior est bonitás meá
Ipsó múnere beátus sum
Noster globus semper fuit
Et úsque ad fínem erit
Et cúr sapere dédiscó
Ita, ut rídére, putó
Dúrum rébar, dúrum rérí
O vah, bene, níl tantí
Negátió! Negátió! Negátió! Negátió! Negátió!

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