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Tag Archives: roman culture

The Unofficial Ancient Roman Monster Survival Guide Posted by on Oct 22, 2013

Welcome to the Unofficial Ancient Roman Monster Guide! While, everyone knows about centaurs, harpies, cyclopes, mermaids, sirens, the chimera, hydra, giants, and et cetera; this guide’s goal is expose the truth of the monsters that hide under our very noses! The following monsters are very dangerous and should NOT be approached under any circumstance. Most…

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5 Things You Didn’t Know About Roman Fashion Posted by on Oct 15, 2013

1. Not everyone wore togas. Only free-born  men  were allowed to wear togas (as a sign of  citizenship), while women wore stolas. Prostitutes and adulterers wore togas, because they were not allowed to wear stolas and this male garment was a sign of their female disgrace and shame. This is even reminiscent of Hawthorne’s Scarlett Letter. 2…

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The Top Ten Scandalous Women of Ancient Rome: Part II Posted by on Aug 14, 2013

The list of infamous, scandalous and plotting women continues to countdown… NUMBER 7 Name: Julia the Elder  (39 BC – AD 14) Vices: Promiscuity, Excessive Affairs, Treason, Weakness:  Food, Men, Speaking Her Mind, Drinking Parties, Small Islands Prime Examples:  Julia the Elder was the daughter of Emperor Augustus. According to Dio and Seneca, although married to…

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The Top Ten Scandalous Women of Ancient Rome:Part I Posted by on Aug 7, 2013

Ancient Rome was quite a scandalous time. While, we can not believe everything that is written in ancient sources; one must admit there are certainly some astonishing tales. So this month, this blog will be taking a look at some of the most infamous, malicious, scheming women from Ancient Rome. NUMBER 10 Name: Empress Theodora (500AD-548AD) Vices:  Roman…

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How the Mosquito Shaped Ancient Rome Posted by on Jul 31, 2013

Salvete Omnes, With July closing, I hope that everyone is having a wonderful summer and is making the most of the warm weather. Summer offers many great experiences from trips to the beach, the Fourth of July, fireworks, trips to the park, family reunions and so on.   For the Romans, the god of the seasons including summer was…

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Garum Posted by on Oct 30, 2012

Place to make garum. Photo by Poblado de Doña Blanca

Almost like our mayonnaise, ketchup or tomato sauce accompanying many of our meals and dishes, the Romans had their own typical sauce: garum. Because of its high price and scarcity, it might be better to compare it with the occasional spices or condiments more expensive and bizarre of our time, but hey, it serves as…

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Hygiene in Ancient Rome Posted by on Oct 26, 2012

Baths of Caracalla. Photo by isawnyu.

When waking up men washed their hands and face with water, and after they requested the assistance of the tonsor. This was responsible for shaving the beard and cutting hair, the aristocratic classes possessed one or more of them, we know that Julius Caesar’s liked  keeping all his body perfectly shaved. But those citizens who…

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