Norwegian Language Blog

More and Most Norwegian Posted by on Feb 28, 2016

I just can’t believe the gradbøying (”comparison inflection”) of adjectives has not been a post yet… As you can probably remember, Norwegian adjectives take various endings: -e when it’s describing a definite noun (these often come with ”the” in English): den glade jenta (the happy girl), den fine tegningen (the nice drawing), Guttorms lange arbeidsdag…

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7 Facts about Trolls Posted by on Feb 25, 2016

Turister (tourists) never seem to tire of troll (trolls), so I hope you won’t mind yet another look at Norge’s most popular inhabitants. 🙂 As I recently had the fun task of doing some troll research, I thought I’d share a few fakta (facts) with you: 1. The first troll in history was Norwegian and…

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Linking Phrases Posted by on Jan 31, 2016

Ja… Nei… Kanskje… It’s very easy to be a new learner – you just have to say a few words and all the native speakers will cheer on you and say bra (good)! 🙂 Sooner or later, however, you’ll have to stitch all your grunts and monosyllables together to something a bit more eloquent… That’s where…

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Fiction Heroes in Norwegian Posted by on Jan 21, 2016

Har du sett den nye Star Wars-filmen? (Have you seen the new SW movie?) Ever since nyttår (New Year) I’ve been wanting to do a post for all the Star Wars fans out there! But I hate to say it – besides lyssabel (light sabre) and Må kraften være med deg! (May the force be…

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Top 10 of 2015 Posted by on Dec 31, 2015

As 2015 is about to hand over the torch to 2016, here’s a quick tilbakeblikk (retrospect) at the 10 most popular blog posts i år (this year). See you in 2016. Godt nyttår! 🙂 10 The little words you always need Some words are so common in conversation that you didn’t know you never learnt…

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Sing along, it’s jul! Posted by on Dec 24, 2015

When learning languages, it’s a really good idea to SING! If the melody is really nice, the words will just etch themselves into your brain! 🙂 Forget about rules of grammar, forget about rules of pronunciation, just take it easy and sing along! Here are two norske julesanger (Norwegian Christmas songs or carols) for you…

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Christmas Preparations in Norway Posted by on Dec 18, 2015

Førjulstida er travel! (The time before Christmas is busy!) In Norway, most people have lots of forberedelser (preparations) to make before jul (Christmas). All of a sudden, it’s 24. desember and julaften (Christmas Eve) is there! Har du kjøpt gavene dine alt? (Have you bought your presents already?) Traditionally, a Norwegian housewife had to bake…

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