Norwegian Language Blog

´hos´a Norwegian word with many meanings Posted by on Sep 20, 2010

I find the word hos quite interesting.  Until recently I didn´t know it had so many betydninger( meanings).  The other day a Norwegian was asking me if I thought Norwegian was a hard language to learn.  I explained that although French and Spanish are the only other languages of which I have some comprehension, I…

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Norwegians are generally in great shape! Posted by on Sep 15, 2010

The jakttur (hunting trip) that I just returned from has confirmed my belief that nordmenn are generally in very good shape.  This tur is an annual tradition for this group and most of the guys hike around their hytter (cabins) or gå på ski (ski) or some other activity, but several of them literally don´t…

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Salangen Hunting Trip Posted by on Sep 14, 2010

I have recently gotten back from my first jakttur (hunting trip) and could not have had a better time.  Although I didn´t have a hagle (shotgun), it was an absolutely incredible experience just to be there.  I was more of a spotter 🙂  We were hunting for fjellrype (mountain grouse), which are very well camoflauged…

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Fall in northern Norway Posted by on Sep 8, 2010

Høst i Tromsø-is here.  Although the temperature has hovered in the 50s and a bit in the 60s since I´ve been here, now it really feels like høst (fall).  We had a stretch of really nice weather, klare skyer (clear skies), sol (sun), and behagelige temperaturer (comfortable temperatures).  Since Saturday, the temperature has gone down…

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Save the Children Norway Posted by on Sep 7, 2010

Since I cannot start to work without an arbeidstillatelse (work visa), I thought it only make sense that I do engage in some frivillig arbeid(voluntary work) here in Tromsø.  It just so happens that there is another girl from Minnesota here in Tromsø that shares quite a few mutual friends with me from back home. …

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Døgnvillfestival Posted by on Sep 6, 2010

Wow.  I am so glad I purchased a ticket for one night of Døgnvillfestival in Tromsø last night.  Well worth the 669 NOK spent to hear Band of Horses and Prodigy, not to mention just oppleve (experience) Norway´s 3rd largest music festival.  What a production!  I think the music actually started mid-afternoon, but we stumbled…

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Dialekta Posted by on Sep 1, 2010

Try not to be confused with the norsk I use in this post-I am intentionally using different dialects to expose you to what I hear on a daily basis:) I have written on this topic before and I´m sure I will again.  I just find dialekter (dialects in traditional bokmål, dialekta i nord Norge for…

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