Norwegian on the go Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2022 in Conversation
Hei! Hvordan går det med deg? Jeg håper du har det bra… (Hi, how are you doing? I hope you’re doing fine…) Learning any language takes a lot of time and work. Sometimes it gets a little too technical with all the details you need to remember: Grammar, uttale (pronunciation) and what not. Below is a small collection of phrases that might be useful. (I’m sure some of them have been mentioned before in this blog, but not in the same post!)
Hva heter du? (What is your name?)
Jeg heter Ola. (My name is Ola.)
Vi er på ferie i Norge. (We’re on holiday in Norway.)
Bor du her? (Do you live here?)
Hva synes du om Norge? (What do you think about Norway?)
Hvor ligger hotellet? (Where is the hotel?)
Gå til høyre/til venstre/rett frem. (Walk right/left/straight forward.)
Tusen takk. (Thanks a lot.)
Ingen årsak. (No problem.)
Unnskyld. (Sorry./Excuse me.)
Beklager så mye! (I’m very sorry!)
Kari liker å stå på ski. (Kari likes skiing.)
Kan du hjelpe meg? (Can you help me?)
Jeg trenger en klem. (I need a hug.)
Jeg er sulten og tørst. (I’m hungry and thirsty.)
Hva koster vaflene? (How much do the waffles cost?)
Fryser du? (Are you cold?)
Hva er klokka? (What time is it?)
Det er sent. (It’s late.)
Det var veldig koselig, men vi må gå nå. (It was very nice, but we have to leave now.)
Sola skinner. (The sun is shining.)
Fuglene synger. (The birds are singing.)
Fint vær! (Nice weather!)
Du er vakker. (You’re beautiful.)
Du også. (You too.)
Jeg elsker deg. (I love you.)
Skål! (Cheers!)
Gratulerer med fødselsdagen! (Happy birthday!)
God reise! (Have a nice trip!)
God påske! (Happy Easter!)
Vi snakkes! (See you!)
Ha det bra! (Goodbye!)
And now a little notice for you all… As I wrote last month, my blogging for Transparent Language is coming to an end. It’s been some interesting years, and I’ve been learning a lot from communicating with my readers. Thank you for being there and for all your feedback! However, I also want to write other things than blog posts, and to explore other areas than language teaching. And as you know if you’ve been following this blog for a while, the frequency of posts has been going down as Transparent Language is increasing its focus on other ways to teach languages. (Which means there might not come a new blogger here in the foreseeable future.) So, this will be my last post for this blog. I know some of you will feel let down, but nobody can please everybody. I hope you’ll keep learning Norwegian! Takk for laget! Lykke til videre! (Thank you for the company! Good luck in the future!)

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