Polish Language Blog

Archive for July, 2016

Kto pyta, nie błądzi! If you ask, you will not get lost! Posted by on Jul 31, 2016

Saying “Kto pyta, nie błądzi” has been used in Poland for a long time. It means that if you ask, you will not get lost. Don’t be afraid of asking questions, that way you can use someone else’s knowledge and not make mistakes. Jan Brzechwa’s poem “Staś Pytalski” is about a little boy who asks…

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Is hippo and a frog a good match? Jan Brzechwa “Hipopotam” in both English and Polish Posted by on Jul 24, 2016

Jan Brzechwa was an amazing Polish poet! We all knew his fantastic work! His poems always made me smile and there are many that I still know by heart, just like a lot of kids growing up in Poland. Today’s poem is about a hippo and a frog! “Hipopotam” Jan Brzechwa Zachwycony jej powabem Hipopotam…

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Great museums to visit in Poland! Posted by on Jul 19, 2016

If you are like me and my family, then you love to visit art galleries and museums wherever you travel! These are always my favorite places to see when I travel. Poland is home to countless museums, from grand structures encompassing a variety of themes to smaller museums that focus in depth on just one…

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Who loves hiking in Poland? Posted by on Jul 10, 2016

In Poland, hikers will find a network of some 15,000 miles of marked trails, including some of the Polish sections of the trans-European routes. Favorites among the walking routes includes the dunes (wydmy), lakes (jeziora) and forests ( lasy) the seaside Słowiński National Park, the high peaks of the Tatra Mountains, the most eastern of the…

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Why do Poles eat hotdogs with no buns and burgers with no buns? Posted by on Jul 4, 2016

With the 4th of July festivities and cookouts, this subject came to my mind! I have to admit I never tasted a real “American style” hotdog or burger until I was probably 15….That was when first MacDonald’s opened inWarsaw. After standing in line for 30 minutes (because everyone wanted to try MacDonald’s!), I ordered a…

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