Archive for 'Grammar'
How to describe your health in Polish Posted by Kasia on Mar 15, 2017

Traveling is so much fun! Visiting family and friends, learning about new country, seeking adventures – all sounds great. And we are hoping that everything will go well. But what if all of the sudden you don’t feel good? Getting sick can put a damper on any vacation, but it can be especially unsettling and…
10 great Polish blogs for beginners Posted by Kasia on Jan 31, 2017

Hello everyone! It’s hard to start learning a new language, especially when you feel overwhelmed. I put a list of 10 great Polish blogs for beginners and hopefully that will make your learning adventure a little bit easier:) 1 I guess alphabet is always the first step…so let’s start here! Alfabet – let’s have fun…
10 most read blogs in 2016! Posted by Kasia on Jan 10, 2017

It’s been a crazy year! I hope all of you enjoyed Polish blogs in 2016! We do have some limits as to how many blogs you are able to see every month, but I’m trying to do my best to deliver different type of information to you. But I really want to know what type…
Polish proverbs, which one is your favorite? Posted by Kasia on Nov 23, 2016
Despite being a modern country in every sense of the word Poland still retains very many of the vestiges of traditionalism (ślady tradycjonalizmu). It’s very catholic, particularly in the older generations, and still in touch with the great Eastern European, soft-spot for superstition. It should come as no surprise then, that a very many so…
“Nie sądź książki po okładce” and other Polish sayings. Posted by Kasia on Sep 30, 2016
It’s always good to know sayings in different languages. I have to say that it was always my favorite part of learning a new language. Todays saying are kind of “every day life saying”. Enjoy! A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu. A…
10 great Polish grammar posts! Posted by Kasia on Sep 17, 2016
Grammar (gramatyka) is the backbone of a language and without it any single thing you know may be flux, in a sort of jelly without much consistency. In a nutshell, grammar provides you with the structure you need in order to organize and put your messages and ideas across. It is the railway through which…
Zatrzymać czas….can we freeze time? Posted by Kasia on Jan 31, 2016
One of the biggest barriers when it comes to productivity is the notion that we simply “don’t have enough time.” ( Nie mamy wystarczająco dużo czasu) With all of the responsibilities and information coming our way, there’s good reason that this notion exists—and his held by many. But there’s a way to escape that notion. (After…