Polish Language Blog

Archive for 'Nature'

On the playground Posted by on Nov 17, 2011

How to spend a day with kids? There are a lot of different ways, depending on the weather and place where you live. But most of the places will have small or big playgrounds nearby. Let’s name few different things you can see at the playground: zestaw zabawowy – playset huśtawka – swing piaskownica –…

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Katarzyna Kozyra’s exhibition in Kraków Posted by on Nov 15, 2011

Today some great news for the art lovers! Nearly twenty years after Katarzyna Kozyra, one of the most interesting and well-known Polish artists of the past two decades, made her debut, the National Museum in Kraków is presenting a monographic exhibition of her works. It includes, amongst others, her “Bathhouse” and “Men’s Bathhouse”, “Blood Ties”…

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Visiting Trzęsacz Posted by on Nov 7, 2011

Trzęsacz is visited by crowds of people every year. A lot of them are summer holidaymakers enjoying the sea and the sandy beaches, while others come here to see the remains of the Gothic church of St. Nicolas, erected in the 15th century and the ruins of which are the postcard symbol of Trzęsacz. This…

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„Dziesięć bałwanków” Posted by on Oct 28, 2011

Counting to 10 can be a lot of fun if you use rhymes or songs. One of my favorites rhymes is the one about 10 snowmen…and because winter is almost here, it is perfect for this time of the year as well. I will try to translate it as well. „Dziesięć bałwanków” Dziesięć bałwanków było…

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Wierszyk na deszczowy dzień! Posted by on Oct 27, 2011

Yesterday I shared with you rhyme for a sunny day. Today I have one for a rainy day. It shows how to still be happy  even though it is raining outside. W deszczowy dzień… On a rainy day…   Na przekór pogodzie In spite of the weather Na przekór przyrodzie In spite of the nature…

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Słoneczna rymowanka Posted by on Oct 26, 2011

This little rhyme is great for a walk in a beautiful sunny day and not only…   Słoneczko na niebie świeci, Sunshine shining in the sky, Wesoło wita dzieci, Happily welcomes children, Letnie promyki wysyła, Summer rays sends, Całuski wszystkim przesyła. Sending kisses to everyone. Słoneczko, słoneczko kochane Sunshine, dear sunshine Ile promyków dziś dostanę, How…

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Boats Posted by on Oct 25, 2011

Because there are so many types and styles of boat (rodzaje i style łodzi) to choose from, deciding which boat is right for you and your family may be the hardest part of boating experience. Choosing the right boat is a fun and exciting process. Narrowing down the right type of boat would be simple if you…

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