Portuguese reading practice: Olavo de Carvalho and the coronavirus Posted by carol on Feb 29, 2020 in Brazilian News, Culture, Learning
Olá, pessoal! Hello, everybody! February is drawing to an end and I must say I’m growing a little tired of this ceaseless coronavirus talk (and by that I mostly mean the desinformation around it). However, since the topic seems to be unavoidable, we might as well embrace it with a little humour. So our Portuguese reading practice today will cover comedian Renato Terra’s text entitled Olavo afirma que seu computador foi infectado pelo coronavírus (Olavo says his computer was infected with the coronavirus). Terra’s satire focuses on our so-called far-right government guru Olavo de Carvalho and is a great opportunity to learn more about Brazil’s latest events and practice your language skills.
It makes fun of the fact that our leaders openly oppose environmentalists like Greta Thunberg (and even accused Leo DiCaprio of burning down the Amazon!), in addition to always blaming the country’s tragedies on the now opposition party, PT. Carvalho, the comedian’s target in this text, also stated on a video earlier this month that Bill Gates is responsible for the corona virus outbreak with the aim of reducing the world’s population. With all the going on, it feels like we don’t even need to joke about it, right?
So take a look at the text below, read carefully and see what you are able to understand. Further down, you can find my translation into English and check it out.
“O filósofo help desk Olavo de Carvalho fez um alerta hoje cedo. “Se você usa Windows, atualize seu computador com antivírus conservadores. Bill Gates está disseminando o coronavírus online. Se receberem um vídeo do Leonardo DiCaprio entregando o Nobel para Greta Thunberg, não clique!”.
De acordo com a teoria do guru bolsonarista, a disseminação online do coronavírus tem o intuito de limitar o acesso aos vídeos conservadores que são propagados online. “E, com isso, forçar os desavisados a consumir informação pela mídia tradicional, como jornais e TVs. Tudo isso, claro, com o objetivo de trazer o PT de volta ao poder”.
Com provas documentais, o astrólogo mostrou que seu computador foi infectado. “Tive que apagar a pasta System32 para que o coronavírus não se espalhasse”.
No final da tarde, Olavo afirmou que sua tela é plana”.
English version:
Help desk philosopher Olavo de Carvalho issued an alert earlier today. “If you are a Windows user, update your computer with a conservative antivirus. Bill Gates is spreading the coronavirus online. If you get a video of Leonardo DiCaprio handing the Nobel Prize to Greta Thunberg, don’t click!”.
According to the theory of the Bolsonaro guru, the online dissemination of the coronavirus is intended to limit access to conservative videos that are propagated online. “And with that, force the unsuspecting to consume information through traditional media, such as newspapers and TVs. All of this, of course, with the objective of bringing the PT back to power ”.
With documented evidence, the astrologer showed that his computer was infected. “I had to delete the System32 folder so that the coronavirus would not spread.” Late in the afternoon, Olavo claimed his screen was flat.
This text was originally published on:
So how was it? How much of it were you able to grasp? Hope you enjoyed it! Tenham uma boa semana e se cuidem! Have a good week and stay safe!

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