There are some words in Portuguese that have multiple meanings, but their most literal meanings relate to their other meanings. Arrasado is such a word, and it’s a helpful adjective to know. Let’s take a look at the different uses and some examples.
1. Demolished, crushed, knocked down
O prédio foi arrasado durante o terremoto. The building was knocked down during the earthquake.
2. Devastated (emotionally), grief-stricken
Estamos arrasados com a morte do nosso querido amigo. We’re devastated by our beloved friend’s death.
Ela ficou arrasada quando perdeu a casa. She was devastated when she lost her house.
3. Destroyed
O sonho da bailarina foi arrasado depois do acidente. The dancer’s dreams were destroyed after the accident.
O país pequeno irá ser arrasado pelo furacão. The small country will be destroyed by the hurricane.
4. Badly defeated
O jogador de tênis foi arrasado durante o torneio. The tennis player was destroyed [defeated] during the tournament.
Nosso time foi arrasado. Our team was destroyed [defeated].