Want to add a few Brazilian dishes to your Christmas feast, or just interested in learning about Brazilian cuisine? Take a look at some of these delicious recipes that are popular for the holidays.
Rabanada – Sugared French Toast
Panetone – Milan Fruitcake
Peru de Natal – Christmas Turkey
Pernil de Porco Ao Vinho – Wine-Soaked Ham Hock
Bacalhoada Ao Forno – Oven-Baked Cod
Salpicão de Natal – Christmas Salad
Tender Natalino – Christmas Ham
Pudim de Natal – Christmas Pudding
Bolo de Nozes – Nut Cake
And here’s an entertaining little video about how to make peru de Natal (Christmas turkey):
Carol J:
What does PISOU NA BOLA mean?
Thank you and Merry Xmas!
you stepped on the ball; it’s slang for “you messed up”
Some great recipes here – especially the Pernil de Porco Ao Vinho. I may have to this soon, even though christmas has passed!