Archive for 'Holidays'
Learn Portuguese with Christmas music! Posted by carol on Dec 8, 2021

Olá, caros leitores! Feliz dezembro a todos! The year is drawing to a close, and it hasn’t been an easy one. But with the holidays coming up, we can all look forward to uns dias de folga (a few days off), encontros de família (family gatherings), presentes (gifts), comidas deliciosas (delicious meals) and, why not…
Children’s day in Brazil Posted by carol on Oct 29, 2021

Bom dia, caros leitores! Good morning, dear readers! Last week we talked about a gravidez (pregnancy) in Portuguese as a tribute to Children’s Day, which is celebrated in Brazil on October 12th. And now that we covered the early stages of a newborn, how about we move on to a infância (the childhood)? Whether you…
Being pregnant in Portuguese Posted by carol on Oct 22, 2021

Bom dia, amigos e amigas! Good morning! Last week, on October 12th, Brazilians got a break to observe o Dia de Nossa Senhora Aparecida (Our Lady of Aparecida day), a feriado (public holiday) in the country. She is considered to be the official padroeira (patroness) of Brazil. Most importantly, her day is regarded as Dia…
Brazilian states – Rio Grande do Norte Posted by carol on Jun 30, 2021

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! If you have been keeping up with our series about the Estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), you might remember Rio Grande do Sul, terra do churrasco (land of barbecue) and chimarrão. But did you know that we have another state with a similar name in the opposite end of the…
How to talk about travel problems in Portuguese Posted by carol on Feb 22, 2021

Olá amigos que acompanham nosso blog! Viajar (traveling) is always a source of joy for most people, but things do not always go as we expect and this can ruin the whole férias (vacation) experience. Your suitcase can get lost, your flight may be canceled or the layover too long for a short trip. Some…
Brazilian states: Mato Grosso do Sul Posted by carol on Sep 21, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Vocês já ouviram falar do Mato Grosso do Sul? Have you heard of Mato Grosso do Sul? This might not be a household name to many of you, but you probably heard of Pantanal, right? As part of our ongoing series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states), today is Mato…
Brazilian states: Goiás Posted by carol on Aug 10, 2020

Olá, amigos leitores! Hello, dear readers! Today we are moving forward with our series on estados brasileiros (Brazilian states). To celebrate reaching the 10th text on the theme, let’s focus on a place that permeates popular Brazilian song imaginary: the state of Goiás. Located in the central-west region, right next to the federal district where…