Portuguese Language Blog

How to talk about travel problems in Portuguese Posted by on Feb 22, 2021 in Brazilian Profile, Holidays, Learning, Vocabulary

Olá amigos que acompanham nosso blog! Viajar (traveling) is always a source of joy for most people, but things do not always go as we expect and this can ruin the whole férias (vacation) experience. Your suitcase can get lost, your flight may be canceled or the layover too long for a short trip. Some of the above have probably already happened to someone you know or even yourself! And these issues are specially relevant in times of pandemic, as we are even more subject to mudanças repentinas (sudden changes) that are beyond our control. To say that my flight back home for the Christmas holidays was a nightmare would be an understatement. And yet, traveling sometimes is necessary and unfortunately problems may arise, so we might as well be ready to deal with them, right? And knowing how to communicate is crucial. Therefore, our text today will be dedicated to problemas de viagem (travel issues). We will mainly be discussing useful words and expressions in Portuguese about common situations that you may face at an airport. Prontos para embarcar nessa viagem linguística?

Comissário(a) de bordo, aeromoça | Flight attendant

  • Por favor, gostaria de tirar uma dúvida com o comissário de bordo, sabe onde ele está? | Excuse me, I would like to ask the flight attendant a question, do you know where  he is?
  • O comissário de bordo me ajudou a guardar as malas no bagageiro | The flight attendant helped me to put my bags in the overhead compartment

    Aprenda a lidar com problemas de viagem (Photo by form PxHere)

Trocar o assento | Change seats

  • Tem como trocar o meu assento? Não gosto de ficar no corredor | Could I change my seat? I don’t like sitting in the aisle
  • Vou perguntar para a aeromoça se posso trocar meu assento para sentar ao seu lado | I’ll ask the flight attendant if I can change my seat to sit next to you

Portão de embarque | Boarding gate

  • Olá, você poderia me informar onde fica o portão de embarque G14? | Hello, could you tell me where the G14 boarding gate is?
  • Vamos rápido, o portão de embarque é do outro lado do aeroporto! | Let’s hurry, the boarding gate is on the other side of the airport!

Despachar bagagem | Check your baggage

  • Consegui fazer o check-in online, mas ainda preciso despachar minhas bagagens | I was able to do the check in online, but I still need to check my luggage
  • Onde fica a área para despacho de bagagens? | Where can I check my bags?

Bagagem com excesso de peso | Overweight bags

  • Senhor, a sua bagagem está com excesso de peso. Você vai precisar pagar uma taxa | Sir, your bag is overweight. You will need to pay a fee
  • Fiquei surpresa quando minha bagagem deu excesso de peso! | I was surprised when I realized my bag was overweight!

Problemas de aeroporto em português (Photo by Pxhere)

Voo atrasado | Delayed flight

  • Meu voo está atrasado, você poderia me informar se existe alguma previsão para o embarque? | My flight was delayed, could you let me know if there is any estimate for the boarding time?
  • Infelizmente não chegarei a tempo, meu voo atrasou | Unfortunately I will not arrive on time, my flight was delayed.

Voo cancelado | Canceled flight

  • Meu voo acabou de ser cancelado, quais outras datas e horários vocês têm? | My flight has just been canceled, what other dates and times do you have?
  • Infelizmente terei que remarcar a reunião, meu voo foi cancelado novamente | Unfortunately I will have to reschedule the meeting, my flight was canceled again.

Have you ever faced any of these problems? Tune in next time for more travel problems! Tenham uma boa semana.

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