Archive for 'Holidays'
Brazilian states: Ceará Posted by carol on May 31, 2020

Sol (sun), calor (warm weather), mar (ocean), montanhas (mountains), falésias (cliffs), comida fresca e saborosa (fresh and tasty food), pessoas acolhedoras (kind people). For many, these are the perfect ingredients for great férias (holidays), and they can all be found in state of Ceará. Back to our series in which we explore the estados brasileiros…
Brazilian states: Pernambuco Posted by carol on Feb 28, 2020

Bom dia, amigos leitores! Good morning, dear readers! Já estão recuperados do carnaval? Have you already recovered from the carnival? Well, we are still in the party mood, so in this text from our series on the Brazilian states, it’s time to talk about Pernambuco. Forget about Rio de Janeiro for now, as this state…
The three most popular Brazilian Christmas songs Posted by carol on Dec 23, 2019

[As três canções mais populares de Natal do Brasil] Feliz natal a todos! Merry Christmas, everyone! Músicas natalinas (Christmas songs) are pervasive around this time of the year to get everybody in the holiday spirit. In Brazil, however, the genre never really seemed to take off. But over the years, some recordings on the theme have…
Time for our Christmas recipe: Tender Posted by carol on Dec 10, 2019

Saudações a todos os leitores! Greetings to all readers! So it is dezembro (December) already. But before the New Year rolls in, it is time to focus our energies on the main event: A ceia de natal (Christmas dinner). As we have mentioned in other Holidays-related posts, Brazilians are all about véspera de natal (Christmas…
What do Brazilians celebrate on September 7th? Posted by carol on Sep 9, 2019

Ei, gente! Hey, guys! This sete de setembro (September 7), Brazil completed 197 anos (years) of our declaration of independence. The date is symbolic for the nation as it concerns the separation from Portugal, for which the best known image is that of Dom Pedro I, heir to the Portuguese empire, on the banks of…
Why is April 21srt a holiday in Brazil? Posted by carol on Apr 22, 2019

What could an 18th-century dentist nicknamed Tiradentes (“Teeth Remover”) represent for the imaginary of an entire país (country)? In Brazil, a lot. Tiradentes is one of our most famous historical figures, a symbol of the conspiracy contra (against) the Portuguese governo (government), which became conhecido (known) as Inconfidência Mineira. While many countries are celebrating the…
Gifts in Portuguese Posted by carol on Dec 13, 2018

Olá, meus caros leitores! Hello, my dear readers! The holidays are upon, meaning that o Natal (Christmas) will soon be bringing its joyous festivities, typical dishes, family gatherings, office parties and, of course, gifts. Although the holiday season may hold different meanings and in each culture, which may result in different traditions, it is undeniable…