Archive for 'Learning'
Portuguese listening/reading practice – A greve dos caminhoneiros Posted by carol on May 29, 2018
Boa noite! Good evening! I am not sure how many of you are aware, but Brazil is currently facing a nationwide greve dos caminhoneiros (truck driver’s strike) that has been deeply affecting our lives and economy for the past week. Therefore, today’s listening and reading practice presents Herança maldita, dependência da matriz rodoviária criou armadilha…
Adverbs of intensity – Part II Posted by carol on May 25, 2018
Advérbios de intensidade – Parte dois Feliz sexta-feira, gente! Happy friday, everyone! Remember that last week we started going over some adverbs of intensity? Today we are going to look into part two, shall we? Para que vocês aprendam ainda mais! So that you can learn even more! Take a look at these adverbs of…
Adverbs of intensity in Portuguese Posted by carol on May 17, 2018
Boa tarde a todos! Good afternoon, everybody! Last domingo (sunday) was dia das mães (mother’s day) here in Brazil and in many other countries as well. How did you guys celebrate? Did you spend the day with your mothers and told them that you amam elas demais? (love them so much) or thar you gostam…
The word ‘enrolar’ in Portuguese Posted by carol on May 11, 2018
Boa tarde, meus queridos leitores! Good afternoon, my dear readers! Vocês estudaram muito português essa semana ou andam enrolando? Did you study a lot of Portuguese this week or have you been stalling? Stereotypes about Brazilians often include the jeitinho brasileiro (our typical way of dealing with things) and our inability to be on time…
Portuguese listening/reading practice – Figurinhas da copa Posted by carol on Apr 30, 2018
Prática de escuta e leitura em português Boa noite, pessoal! Good evening, everyone! It is time for our April’s listening and reading practice. Today’s selected article is named “O que as figurinhas da Copa ensinam sobre economia?” (What does the World Cup Sticker Album teach us about economy?), recently featured on the economy session from the…
False synonyms in Portuguese – Part II Posted by carol on Apr 24, 2018
Ei, gente! Como está o dia de vocês? Hey, guys! How is your day going? On our last post, we went over some phrases that we have to pay close attention to, because they look very similar but are actually false synonyms. Therefore, their different meanings require them to be used in different situations. Today…
False synonyms in Portuguese Posted by carol on Apr 19, 2018
Ei gente! Hey guys! Como estão vocês? How are you doing? Have you ever found yourself dealing with some words in Portuguese that seemed very similar but was unsure whether they meant the same? Phrases like onde e aonde, em vez de e ao invés de, for instance, are some examples that may cause a…